Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


Clinic "NEVROLOGICA": Russia, Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya, 62, 8-800-234-81-08

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09 2017

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Restoring the Activity of Nerve Centers

Studying for 19 years, the results of the non-specific stimulation of the reticular formation through the accessory nerve, through short-term intense pain stimulus trapezius muscles, revealed certain patterns and come to the following conclusions:

1. At steady change in the normal activity of nerve centers in the brain caused by various external factors, reticular formation by virtue of the anatomical and physiological unity with the nuclei of the accessory nerve, causes a stable excitation of its nuclei . It is expressed in spastic tension or individual sections of the trapezius and sterno-mastoid muscle, or both of these muscles on both sides as a whole.

2. Short-term intense pain stimulation spasm, painful areas trapezius muscles by afferent fibers leads to a direct effect on the nucleus of the reticular formation , and indirectly, through it, to all the nerve centers of the brain .

3. The process of restructuring of the nerve centers in the regime of anomalous activity begins at the moment of painful stimulation and trapezius muscles from a single exposure lasts at least 6 weeks. The result is already occurring and still occur in this period changes in the nerve centers is restoration of normal central regulation , which is expressed in the disappearance of symptoms and normalization of laboratory and functional studies.

09 2017

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Russian RANC method of treatment in Krasnodar.

RANC – расставание с иллюзиями

In previous articles I have talked about the method of restoring the activity of nerve centers, but given the lack of information available yet about this fundamentally new method of treatment, in this article, I decided to open this topic more in several ways. Of course, many people, especially those who read duplicates newspaper articles on my site this article will show, "repetition", but given the characteristics of newspaper format, I feel justified in these repetitions. With respect to any information, people can be divided into several groups. There are people who have so far no health problems, so they are absolutely not interested in any information on a medical theme.

07 2017

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко
There are no translations available.

Топ необычных вопросов по методу RANC

Решил написать короткий очерк о смешном и странном. Сначала, когда мне задавали эти на мой взгляд необычные вопросы, я даже как-то терялся, не предполагая такое услышать, но потом привык. Желание написать по этому поводу было, однако у меня как-то «рука не поднималась» писать об этом на сайте, посвящённом серьёзной теме. На сайте очень много информации о методе восстановления активности нервных центров. В каждой статье сайта я старался доступными словами, не используя, по возможности, медицинские термины, объяснить причины и механизмы процессов, ведущие к возникновению различных заболеваний, а также принципы действия метода RANC, на основе которых эти причины устраняются. Каждая статья в газете была посвящена отдельному заболеванию, и также в любой из них подробно упоминается, что принцип лечения для любых других заболеваний тоже один. В каждой газетной публикации газеты «КУБАНЬ СЕГОДНЯ» (продублированных на сайте) на протяжении 6 месяцев еженедельно повторялся вот этот «блок»:

06 2017

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

"I started with social solidarity, and ended by the practical conclusion that we, the Russian realists, we can only quietly ridicule our petty nonsense and slowly learn with nasheyu lazy audience most elementary truths of rigorous science. What a grand beginning and a miserable end! Mountain gave birth to a mouse, the reader will think, and I did not dare to contradict him. "

DI Pisarev "realists."

06 2017

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Weekly publication, in which I talk about RANC method have become to the readers of the newspaper " Kuban TODAY " a traditional heading of this edition. It would seem, well, what else can you write a new on topic dedicated to this method of treatment, all as has already been said. I myself thought so, when in the first few issues of the newspaper described the principles on which is based the method of treatment, its capabilities and features. However, some time later, when he began to communicate with people, to contact me for using it after reading the material I gathered from newspaper articles, that everything is not as easy as I thought. The questions I started to ask often impressed by its unexpected and even illogical to the point that I began to wonder and to doubt the adequacy of their own. Surely there must be a reason that people read the detailed article in the newspaper that takes a U-turn (that is, two pages on which the words printed in 2732), call us on the phone, which is printed at the end of the article and starts asking. For clarity, I show you what is printed at the end of each publication, and where does the phone. Here is the block:

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Video reviews

All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube

  • • Patient Reviews
  • • Execution of procedures
  • • Where the method is applied
  • • NEUROLOGY clinic




A. Ponomarenko







Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya 62

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