Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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09 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

All our diseases are misteriously different by someunpredictability, are incurable by modern methods, strangely similar. Everyone feels something on themselves what our medicine gave the name "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". The number of reasons were invented to explain the reason why it is hard to move, to do anything, go to work, to think. I was little worried about all of these hypotheses, I'm thinking according to the terms of "NEVROLOGIKA." And from that position it is very simple. If there is something in our brain and body system in charge of our energy resources that allows us to move actively, any symptoms of so-called "chronic fatigue" are only a "failure" in these systems.

It seems difficult to understand but I will explain what I mean. For example, on the face (and inside it) all the facial movements are controlled by the trigeminal nerve, so any pimples, tooth grinding at night, dry eyes, pain, tearing or drooling is a disorder of certain nuclei of the trigeminal nerve. And this is so, despite the fact that no matter how many theorists disagree with that. If there is a disorder in the work of the facial nerve, the part of a face and eyes will sag, food will fall out of the corner of a mouth and saliva flow.

Let’s move closer to the topic of conversation. Chronic fatigue syndrome does not exist. There is a malfunction in the dopamine-producing and consuming systems. When this failure is temporary and compensated by rest, positive emotions, excessive intake of sweet or alcohol (which stimulates the release of dopamine), then it is called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". When disorders in the brain (on the background of stress factors) reaches a certain critical numbers and compensatory reserves are exhausted, then obvious symptoms of a lack of dopamine begin to show. They appear not only in light stiffness in the form of "fatigue" but in very obvious form that comes to extreme degrees and typical for the syndrome, and Parkinson's disease. I will come back to these states again, but first let me remind about "chronic fatigue" that women usually get rid of by eating sweets and bakery goods (and gain weightbecause of it), and men by alcohol (and because of that drink too much). I will talk in this short article about all the nuances, but I want to emphasize the fact that the phenomenon of a lack of dopamine production on the background of the stress is much more common than people think. From my position, which I call NEVROLOGIKA which is logical Neurology, I sincerely believe that a strong stress linked with the death of a spouse, child, career collapse, an earthquake where you miraculously survived, a car accident or other shock of this kind (these are examples from my patients who have Parkinson's disease), or a lot of other "small" troubles during a number of years can cause the brain to process the avalanche of destruction in consuming or producing dopamine structures. And because brain is quite difficult, the combination of symptoms of disorders in these structures are always different and resembles a kaleidoscope. That is why there is a saying that "everyone has its own Parkinson's."

Anyone, who has this diagnosis of a Parkinson’s disease or Parkinson’s syndrome, knows that paradoxically there are some hours or days when they feel almost healthy, normal movements and don’t shake internally or externally. This usually happens on the background of positive emotions (which stimulate the release of dopamine and help to normalize brain function). Also many people without this diagnosis do not refute my words that in stressful situation they experience stiffness and even tremor noticeable to others. By the way, I once has a tremor when I was caught for violation of traffic rules by the traffic police, I was astonished. I just could not give the lieutenant driving licence because I could not take it out from a purse, my hands were shaking so badly. I was lucky, the lieutenant was more familiar with the psychology and physiology so just looked at me closely and sniffed and he said, "do not worry so much, I'm not going to arrest you and deprive rights," and tremor disappeared instantly.

By the way, about "sniffing". Who does not know that the tremor can disappear after drinking alcohol, go directly to Mashkovskiy manual, after the New Year he himself has a shot of vodka in the morning to get rid of tremor. Notice I am not in favour of Alcohol, I just simply want to explain the relationship of tremor, negative emotions, disorders of the brain and taking drugs that depress brain activity. Again, by the way, the method RANC has a depressing effect on the overexcited brain regions. It seems bad, but when you consider the fact that virtually all remaining overexcited (after experiencing a shock) parts of the brain inhibit the subordinate areas that no longer control their function, then the method does not seem "bad."

RANC (The recovery of activity of the nerve centers) is a result of the method of "Harmonization of the brain." This is not drilling "holes in the head" to destroy parts of the brain with liquid nitrogen or stimulating them with electric shocks. Natalya Petrovna Behterova was engaged in it and recognized this approach as ineffective. Isn’t it better not to drill and not to kill? If so, there is a close connection between the reticular formation and the trapezius muscle controlled by accessory nerve that these parts of the nervous system can be considered an inseparable. Why not to take advantage of this "map of disorders in the brain", which is "laid out" for us between the shoulder blades in the form of painful areas this muscle (overexcited areas of the brain) in order to influence directly on 100 billion neurons of the brain with no extra holes in the head? I'm not arrogant, just when I started my job I simply did not know about the work of Natalia Petrovna Behterova and did not know about her views on this issue though I was able to successfully treat patients in my own way, while in St. Petersburg their approach did not help. Natalya Petrovna in her latest book, "The Magic of the Brain" wrote that "Once again, we stopped in front of a wall, and when it will be overcome is unknown." It turns up pathetic and sad. Natalya Petrovna lived a very difficult life, has achieved success and credibility in her field, and I am a doctor from the province judging its approaches. But science, as we know it - is the "graveyard of hypotheses", that is why redefining the experience and balanced analysis in science is justified. On the contrary, in my opinion it is terrible when no attempts are made to change anything because of the strange belief that we have achieved the top.

According to my last observation, based on the analysis of clinical cases of Parkinson's disease treated by RANC, I can make some new conclusions myself.

1. Disorders in the brain associated with a failure in the dopamine system are much more common in nature than is commonly believed. The same "chronic fatigue" which the people after 30-40 years overcome is the first sign of Parkinson's disease. And generally, I believe that there could not be a disorder of one system, without disturbing others. The idea of course obvious, but in fact, in practice, no one is using it. That is physicians and specialists are divided, sometimes such doctors are responsible for such a narrow area that sometimes we don’t understand what they do and where their results are.

2. Any disease affects the dopamine system. That's what I suppose explains why people with different diseases, who have experienced the method RANC, sometimes feel unusually vivacious.

3. Up to half of stiffness of Parkinson's syndrome is caused not by the lack of dopamine, but by what our medicine named with a code word "osteochondrosis". That is how, In my opinion, the "miraculous" healing of Lyubov Sergeevna from Elts can be explained, which is shown in videos number 108, 109, and 115. I will continue my idea further and at the same time return to the written above. Stiffness in osteochondrosis is also a lack of dopamine. Moreover, a month ago, we in the hospital had a patient a woman from Moscow with a 5 year old boy, who had no diagnosis, but had stiffness in the left half of the body. After 30 injection according to the method RANC his left hand began to move much better. The leg also became better, but not as much as 'alive' hand. There were no changes in the brain on MRI. There is no other explanation except a lack in the dopamine system. And another good example. Today I had a patient in a clinic from Almaty (Kazakhstan), who every 2 hours took 1 pill of PRANORANA to maintain mobility. The moment of the procedure coincided with the time for a next tablet ( 2 hours later), but he deliberately missed an it to assess the effect of the procedure. I always anxiously wait for results of procedures, what if hothing will happen? Today it happened again, "a little miracle" at the time of the injection he started feeling a tremor (which variety of patients without Parkinson's disease can experiene and it goes away in 10 minutes), and I assess that as a temporary depression of dophamin-producing and dophamine-consuming brain structures. I will remind one more time. The RANC has a depressing effect on the overexcited brain regions, whisch results in increased activity related to reciprocal links and suppressed by them brain structures. This explains the effectiveness of RANC with almost any diseases. My patient from ALMATY stayed in for another hour in NEVROLOGIKA. he did not take a pill this time as felt better. In 10 days he will again come for another procedure and his "video report", if he agrees, will be on channel NEVROLOGIKA on YouTube.

4. Disorders in such a complicated structure like brain in my opinion can have three varieties (if we're talking about dopamine). Firstly, it may be a disorders predominantly in the dopamine-producing structures and then replacement therapy is very effective. Secondly, a disorder in dopamine-consuming parts of the brain (so-called vascular Parkinsonism, in which the more effective drugs are antispasmodics and neurotropic drugs), drug L-dopa are ineffective or even cause different well-known side effects, such as hallucinations. This is due to the fact that the self-sufficient dopamine, and malice, suspicion, and hallucinations characteristic of schizophrenia is the excess of injected synthetic dopamine. Let me remind you. The dopamine in schizophrenia is always elevated. Do you see the logic in this reasoning?

5. There is a third option of these unpleasant events (in my opinion, the most common one). When all systems that produce dopamine or consume "suffer". You should make a mistake and think the way we were taught. If we want to get rid of this problem, we must have the courage to refuse unreasonable. I understand better than anyone else how difficult it is. Doctors, who call me and write me letters, support me. You know friends, when I decided to say that what the medical authorities say is a misconception, I was in a lot of doubts. However, one year after the website publication, I realized that I do not have no enemies in the form of fellow doctors, but I have a lot of supporters. Audacity is justified by the fact that I dare to say that we are going in the wrong way. The thing that now represents medicine can’t be even reasonably criticisede. Its motto is "What do you else want in your age? '. In my opinion, this motto is the recognition of its helplessness. You need to think first, not just take money away from those who can not be helped.

6. In conclusion of this "evil" article, I want to say that whatever your attitude towards Russian method RANC, and it has been already accepted and practiced in different regions of Russia and some CIS countries. Who falls behind, will condemn himself for being stupid, and Russia, as always ahead.




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