I every day receive letters about what kind of solutions and what volume should be used, also how often to repeat the procedure. In order not to write separate articles I decided to write only one article on this topic. Perhaps these issues arise from the fact that the material is "spread" all over the site and people find it difficult to understand every aspect just by reading the site. Moreover, not everyone, as I understand, have the patience and desire to read it. Some people, on the contrary, like reading and ask me ask for new articles, but it is a literary work, while the majority is interested in practical side and want to see certain "recipes" with no digressions. I have these both desires and so I understand both. Fortunately, the site is arranged in the way that everyone can find exactly what they need to and miss what is not interesting. And the fact that many readers do not see that there are already the answers to their questions, I think it is not their fault, it is mine since I could not make it more convenient for every visitor. I and my site administrator are doing everything possible to make the site better. That's why I decided to write a separate article, that I will try to make as short as possible, for those who choose to use the method RANC on their own. Fortunately, the method is so simple and safe that it is quite feasible.
Since the brain is able to regulate itself through the reticular formation, we can suggest that all functional disorders can be treated as well as some organic ones, emerged on their background. Such optimistic is made after observing patients whose hormone levels changed after 1-2 treatment procedures. It is known that several young women who had been treating infertility for 3-5 years soon after treatment became pregnant.
С мая 2012 года, когда был опубликован сайт, мне на электронную почту пришло немало писем. Я как мог, старался отвечать на них наиболее подробно. Поэтому за девять месяцев накопилось немало
интересного, на мой взгляд, материала, который просто жалко держать неопубликованным. Ведь это вопросы тех людей, у которых есть не только какие-то проблемы, но и желание с ними справится.
Поэтому. Я думаю многим людям, имеющим похожие проблемы и вопросы, будет интересно ознакомиться с этой перепиской.
Money question is the most important one. When buying some new things or service this question always arise. It is a very complicated question as when we decide to spend certain amount of money, we go through 2 stages before making a decision.
Whether the thing is affordable considering your finances? If we are talking about a necessary thing like a car, but produced by Rolls-Royce, then it is obvious that for most people such car is out of reach. However, if the offered thing is needed and affordable, people start looking for the ideal quality-and-price combination and when it is found, they purchase the thing.
The situation with buying medical services is more complicated. First requirements in our list to the medical service are safety and quality. Nobody being of sound and disposing mind will ask for medical help, even free of charge, if he knows that the result will be worse than it was previously. Thus we are trying to find first class services.
All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube
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