Девочку вернуть нельзя, но можно садистских глупостей не делать. Зачем всё это? Убить последнего носорога, или последнего слона на этой земле, может и почётно. Ведь, Ты! Первый! Маме, наверное, будет приятно, Кто был первым и последним убийцей. Так верно Мама этого покойного уже красавца радовалась, что сыночек её одним махом 150000 людей уничтожил. Да, ты,… улыбчивый,… хоть ОДНОГО выноси и воспитай! Рушить, - не строить, голова не болит.
At first sight, the name of this article doesn't suit the subject of this site, but we will see. Trying to find the answers concerning human physical and psychological health you certainly get answers which seem ridiculous. Indeed, which good things should I do apart from I have been doing? For whom, what and why should I do? Perhaps, I will have only harm. I don't think so, but working in this sphere, I came across some facts needed to think, they occur so regular that they seem to be natural. This regulation is similar to one which has brain function after RANC treatment; it starts the process such as computer function "system restoration". Brain starts to "scan" and delete "damaged files". It is very difficult to say why it happens, but the fact remains, it happens regular not only in my work, but also with people who practice this method not only in Russia and CIS countries, but also abroad.
"What are guarantees?" asked the patient looking carefully at his doctor’s face. He sincerely wanted to hear, his medical treatment success was ensured and cure guarantee was hundred percent. He would like, but it "would be" troubled hi, and he wanted his doctor to assuage all his doubts by following words :"The success of your treatment is guaranteed and you will be healed after one medical procedure and never get sick again!". However, he realized that it was almost impossible, but still it is so desirable to happen this way. He was obsessed by realizing this contradiction between desire and a low chance of its fulfillment, because during the years of his wandering to various health institutions he realized that no help was within reach, but this understanding did not relieve his pain that seemed to be rooted in his body. It never left him day or night, it could only become less or more, but never disappeared. And also all these doctors conversations that killed the last hope…
All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube
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