Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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04 2012
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко
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Physiology stands firmly on its own two feet?
Physiology 1
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Let's have a look at surgery, for instance. Lots of breakthroughs has been made in this field, but to perform a surgery the whole organism has to be working perfectly. There are two possible ways. One is when you must find a solution by yourself and in this case you pay attention at every tiny detail. Another is when you are convinced that there is no solution, follow the path you are used to and all of a sudden find the answer. Although nothing is so simple. You must be attentive, patient and the solution will be found. Deep brain stimulation, suggested by Behterova, has many disadvantages and dangerous complications. While stimulating brain according to my suggested approach is safer and risks are low. We can influence on our brain at any level, from the cerebral subcortex to stem sells.

This method can be also called as hyperstimilation because of a pain the patient feel during the procedure. I suppose, lots of energy is released from stimulated areas. In other words, we reach the maximum level of brain reticular formation stimulation through hyperstimulation. The method prospects are in finding the connection between brain regions and certain trapezius areas. Today to have the most successful result, large area of these muscles have to be stimulated. I am sure that in future many diseases will be possible to cure using this method. Surely, all these suggestions have to be properly checked, tested in a laboratory, observed, analyzed before they put into practice. Precise efficiency results can be reached by using laboratory methods.
Negative results will also be obtained while testing a hypothesis in practice. However, negative results always lead to certain conclusions and show the right way to a desired goal.

Everything I am writing about existed before me but not used and not included in doctors educational programs. Is not yet included. I started this article quoting Behterova and want to finish it in the same way. "We can't give up on a patient only because tutorials doesn't contain everything that specialists can do now".

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko




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