Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


Clinic "NEVROLOGICA": Russia, Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya, 62, 8-800-234-81-08

Home  //  Articles  //  RANC method, especially a course of treatment, at various diseases
03 2017
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

After regular publications in the "Kuban today" newspaper on various topics, dedicated to the Russian method of treatment RANC ( recovery of activity of the nerve centers ), I received a lot of calls. People were asked to explain in detail how the treatment though a particular disease , and I decided to devote a separate article.

For the central nervous system, leading all the functions of our body, fundamentally unimportant nature of the damaging external factor that causes a failure in its work. Any effects that exceed the defenses of our body, always call a "failure" in the central nervous system. Damage to the central regulation of cascades causing disturbances in all the other systems of the body, which is manifested in the form of a certain disease.

It would be strange to think that diseases caused by significant violations should be treated as simply and briefly as diseases which are based on deep and serious violations. It is clear to any person. The only question is to determine what diseases are simple, and some more complex, that is, which are treated quickly, and what is more durable. In this article we will talk about the method of restoring the activity of nerve centers, so we will not deal with traditional views on the effectiveness of therapy based on principles other than the Russian method RANC .

For example, I want to take the two diseases, which differ in the number and quality of disruption to the brain. This defeat of the trigeminal nerve and Parkinsonism . Two, as if incurable disease to date.

If facial pain caused by an abnormal increase in the activity of neurons sensitive nuclei of the trigeminal nerve is involved in the process of a very small region of the brain, just a few tens of square millimeters. Therefore, to bring this area in the normal mode of activity, and human pain relief you need only a few treatment sessions RANC , spent a day with each other, or at intervals between 1-4 days.

Parkinson's disease is characterized by the fact that the brain has a large number of violations in all its departments, and to bring the nerve centers in the procedure takes a long time, from six months to one and a half years, during which a person must receive medical sessions monthly. It's unpleasant, of course, that you have to take treatment so long, but the other way of overcoming this disease has not been found. I do not want to deal with in this article is Parkinsonism, because publications on this subject have already been, and will be more, but mainly because the article is devoted to the peculiarities of the course of treatment by RANC diseases of different groups. Before treatment was carried out in this way; a treatment session carried out (several tens of injections in the back), and 4 weeks to make a break for which positive changes occurred in body. However, experience has shown that the best results are obtained with other treatment strategies, and now I want you to see it.

One treatment session can consist of a single procedure, or made in one of two day interval between treatments of 30 minutes. Such a treatment session, although it consists of two separate procedures, is assessed in terms of the material as one. This is done to increase efficiency and reduce patient treatment costs.

In various diseases require a different number of treatment sessions comprising both a two therapeutic treatments, as well as from one. The intervals between treatment sessions are also different depending on the disease, as well as the treatment time. The average interval between sessions is 1 month. Depending on the type of disease requires their number of sessions or short courses consisting of several sessions. Let me explain what I mean.

  1. Medical procedure is performed once injection in individually defined sections of the back muscles, mainly in the trapezius muscles of the back.
  2. Treatment session is 2 or 3 treatment ( « Duplex » or « Triplex ») procedure , carried out in one day, with an interval therebetween 20-30 minutes. These terms exist primarily in the technology, but I offered to use them in determining the tactics of the procedures for the convenience of understanding between me, colleagues, co-workers and patients.

3. The course is individually determined by the number of treatment sessions required to achieve sustained remission.

Epilepsy, Migraine, herniated disc, The defeat of the trigeminal nerve, lesions of the sciatic nerve, the defeat of the trigeminal nerve, dizziness, pain in the body of various localization, fragility and hair loss (not to be confused with established baldness), Algomenarreya (painful periods), speech disorders ( stuttering), Neurocirculatory (vegetative), dystonia, tics, angina, dizziness, noise in my head (not to be confused with tinnitus - tinnitus), chronic fatigue syndrome, hyperactivity in children, impaired memory.

For treatment of these conditions requires - 2, 3 or therapeutic session consisting of two or three therapeutic treatments each (duplex or triplex) with the interval between sessions is 5 weeks. One or two such courses. Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease, restless leg syndrome, tinnitus (ringing in the ears, or sensorineural hearing loss), Cerebral Palsy, Autism. These diseases require long-term treatment, i.e. a course; 4 - 8, or 12 treatment sessions every 4 - 6 weeks. Accordingly, the time it takes 6 to 12 months (5 - 10 treatments).

RANC method compared to traditional methods of treatment has several features. No need to spend a lot of time for treatment, ie, patients who received treatment session continues to lead a normal life, without being distracted by regular visits to hospital until the next treatment session. The number of sessions on the course, a person defines their own depending on their state of health. Having achieved a stable remission of their condition, recourse is required as the need arose. I have been studying and practical application of this method for almost 18 years, and during that time noted that the positive effect of the treatment of "missing" for different diseases, taking into account the age and the patient's lifestyle, from a few months up to 2 - 3 - 5 and more years.

Neurologist: Ponomarenko Andrey Aleksandrovich.

Krasnodar. Str. 62. Tanning Clinic «NEVROLOGICA». Admission; Tuesday - Saturday inclusive, 10:00 - 15: 00, by appointment.

Tel. 8 (900) 246 83 26, 8 (918) 342 44 00, 8 (929) 848 42 07



Video reviews

All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube

  • • Patient Reviews
  • • Execution of procedures
  • • Where the method is applied
  • • NEUROLOGY clinic




A. Ponomarenko







Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya 62

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