Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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05 2012
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко
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Cost of treatment.
Cost of treatment. Continuation 1
Cost of treatment. Continuation 2
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Money question is the most important one. When buying some new things or service this question always arise. It is a very complicated question as when we decide to spend certain amount of money, we go through 2 stages before making a decision.

Whether the thing is affordable considering your finances? If we are talking about a necessary thing like a car, but produced by Rolls-Royce, then it is obvious that for most people such car is out of reach. However, if the offered thing is needed and affordable, people start looking for the ideal quality-and-price combination and when it is found, they purchase the thing.

The situation with buying medical services is more complicated. First requirements in our list to the medical service are safety and quality. Nobody being of sound and disposing mind will ask for medical help, even free of charge, if he knows that the result will be worse than it was previously. Thus we are trying to find first class services.

Naturally, in a medical field the price is not defined by a cost price of the service, but defined by its deficit in the field which connected with the doctor's qualification. Services of a highly qualified surgeon who performs operations of great demand will cost a lot. In this case the cost of a service consist also of training expenses for the surgeon. Or if the technology used in a particular medical center is unique, the cost of service will be high and affordable for a limited number of people because of its exclusivity. Even when the procedure is not sophisticated and no expensive materials or equipment are used but the technology is kept in secret, then the cost will still be high. At first glance such situations may seem unethical, especially in healthcare, but it happens not very often and can be understood. When great money and years of work were spent on a research, the researcher have all rights to receive the benefits even when the invented product turn out to be inexpensive in manufacturing.

The same can be applied to medical specialists who spend years on education and trainings to learn how to solve problems which others can not. It is all true, but for those who are looking for an inexpensive and good quality service the high cost of medical services is unfair as the help exists but not for them.

I always wonder how doctors can be so heartless to ask big sums of money for a child operation which is vital for him. However, if you look in details, you will understand that it is not that simple. For example, to perform not ordinary operation, as a rule many things are required like modern operating room, equipment, expensive medicines and well trained staff. The professional surgeon can conduct operation with charitable purpose but other expenses are inevitable. This includes the rent of the room, equipment purchasing and maintenance, medicines. It is clear that if we intrude in any stage of preparation, the harm will be done and desired result won't be achieved.

Therefore, places where high-quality operations are performed everything is taken into account even the surgeon respectable salary, which allows him to solve all personal problems and focus entirely on work. Reduction in spending below the certain level may lead to disappearance of the service.

Thereby, the existence of high costs in healthcare does not mean that doctors are greedy and heartless, it simply implies that an expensive medical technology can't exist otherwise.

The solution can be found in insurance, though this also won't make medical help more affordable and cover all expenses, again because of the costly technologies. However, there is another way to help in some desperate and hopeless cases. The search for such technologies that will be inexpensive and of good quality at the same time.

At first glance it seems to be impossible to achieve such results as existing methods were developed by well-educated and intelligent people. Nevertheless, we should bear in mind the fact that one single problem has different solutions and if we know only one of then, it does not mean there are no other ones.

Aluminum production is the perfect example. According to Pliny's the Elder notes, in 42 B.C. Roman Emperor Tiberius ordered a craftsman be beheaded: he was worried that the new metal would devalue gold. Then a few grammes of metal were produced in 1825 by Hans Christian Ostred, in 1827 an impure form was produced by Wohler. At this time aluminum was exceedingly difficult to extract, that made it more valuable than gold and even most expensive jewelry were made out of it. Then in France in 1854 Deville invented the first method of industrial production and since 1886 aluminum is being produced. More than 44,3 ml tons of aluminum is being produced each year. Speaking personally, the example is quite vivid.

And there are many other similar cases. Speaking about medicine, for instance, English physician Edward Jenner discovery of smallpox vaccine saved many people lives. Besides, before his discovery no money could safe from this disease.

Time passes by and things that could not be dreamed about in the past become ordinary and routine. Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel "Master and Margarita" wrote that Pontius Pilate suffered a migraine and that, in his opinion, could possibly affect his judicial decisions. Although his novel is only literary work and at the same time there were many real and famous people who suffered the same illness: Gaius Iulius Caesar, Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Frederic Chopin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Lev Tolstoy, Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freid, Nikola Tesla, Blaise Pascal, Heinrich Heine, Ludwig van Beethoven, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Anton Chekhov, Mikhail Bulgakov itself and famous Alfred Nobel.

The list is impressive but even those people, who could afford good medical treatment, never get rid of a migraine. The RANC method, that I invented and practice, can easily and effectively solve many problems eliminating the causes. Today we do not have to be a Roman Emperor, Caesar or even Alfred Nobel to make use of a simple procedure that will help to cure a headache. It is not a miracle but an ordinary process which evolution we can observe nowadays.

There is an another classic example. Grigory Anatolievich Zaharyin(1829-1897), a Russian physician, head of the therapeutics in Moscow State University, suffered from sciatica (the compression of sciatic nerves). It is known that pain he experienced was so severe that while going up the stair he had to sit down at every staircase on a specially stool. One leg was shrinking and the professor had to wear felt boot in order not to be cold. He was a brilliant diagnostician and observation methods he introduced are now the main principle of communication between a doctor and a patient. Despite this fact, he could not cure himself as the causes are still unknown. Method I am practicing, by the way, not in a imperial palace but in a common clinic in Krasodar city, can help a patient to get rid of a headache after 1-3 visits. Every thematic article is accompanied by a video and sciatica is not an exception. To watch this video go to sciatica-the compression of sciatic nerves (ущемление седалищного нерва - ишиас).

The same can be said about spinal disk herniation. Most of them, around 90-95%, can be successfully cured without an operation. Because of the unavailability of the other methods, surgery was the only treatment and it still rings true for majority of medical cases.

In my opinion, a dead end, where the modern therapy is now, has been formed due to the denial of nervism theory. It is clear that denial is not the result of a malicious intent, it is just normal for people to avoid an insolvable issue. Similar problem for neurophysiology is still in inability to stimulate or suppress selectively the activity of different brain divisions. Many successful attempts have been done to cure epilepsy and Parkinson disease by means of using implanted electrodes. Seeing that such invasionn is complicated and possibly leads to complications, applying this approach is very limited. Moreover, this method does not even have an intention to influence selectively on all vital brain divisions at once.

The ability to influence on all regulatory brain systems safely and without risky invasion with the purpose to reorganize and optimize its work is exactly what the RANC method is.

If I was taught in the Academy that there were such possibility, I would accept it as given. But when I am setting forth an idea by myself, it is absolutely different. If there were no successful recovery that can be explained only by brain stimulation through reticular formation, claim of possibility of RANC approach existence would be nonsense. However, published video-reviews about the treatment results demonstrate that the influence on the brain can help to get rid of the cause of all diseases, to be precise of dysfunctions in regulatory brain work left from stresses.

I do not think that everybody will put off all their affairs straight away and start applying a "new" approach in practice. It would be foolish to think so. The only thing I want to say is that there are new ways to treat diseases. The more well-known they will be, the more private approaches will appear and the higher possibility to help people there will be.

To end up, I wold like to say the technique of the therapeutic procedure according to RANC approach is so easy that a person, who is not afraid of intramuscular injections, will learn how to use it in little time. I describe in details and demonstrate in the video how it works on the individual web-page TECHIQUE OF THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE. It is important to understand how to locate spots for injections and give a patient a shot as quickly as possible in order not to hurt him. According to my experience, it is not difficult to give one injection in 1-2 seconds. So it's possible to give from 30 to 40 injections in one minute. The question whether it is possible to make procedure painless is popular. And my answer is - yes. Anesthesia can be used, though it will make a procedure more difficult. That is why I decided to shorten time of procedure. Besides, any patient regardless the age can bear 1 minute of pain to get rid of long lasting pain.

I do not know how much Pontius Pilate and a millionaire Alfred Nobel would pay for getting rid of a headache. Maybe a lot. And I also do not know how much money would ask those doctors who will adopt this method. Again, the method is simple, effective and won't take long consequently the cost is low while results are impressive. The only thing should be followed is careful selection of patients. Undoubtedly, everybody will see positive changes but at different extent. To determine accurately who will have best results is better during private appointment with a doctor. That is actually the point of a therapist's job when he assesses the possibility of achieving a positive result. Doctors should not promise a lot so as no to disappoint a patient or even hurt someone feelings again. Although patients should also assess their state of health critically and be ready for good or bad result. Fortunately, the difference between classic treatment approaches and RANC approach is so dramatic that very few people will be disappointed.

It should be noted that an appointment with a specialist is certainly the crucial part in treatment as processes that turn on after a procedure are self-regulating. A medical appointment helps to make a diagnosis, defines areas of influence and assesses further prospects. Strictly speaking, the procedure of defining spots on the body and injections is a paramedical procedure. However, there are plenty of space for this technique improvement. I should remind that even though first results can be noticed after 10-15 minutes after a procedure it is the very beginning, brain centers "reboot" will lasts for more than 3-4 weeks. If the desired result is reached and symptoms disappeared, no more procedures are needed. Despite that fact, short and intense treatment course of 3-5 procedures (1 every 10 days) might be advised.

Costs in our clinic
First appointment - 1000 RUB
Treatment procedure - 4500 RUB

Every appointment lasts for 40-60 minutes.
A patient is familiar with material on the website regarding his or her problem. In this case, appointment and treatment will be most effective.

Our clinics addresses:
143 Kim Street. Krasnodar
TEL: (861)233-4343, FAX: (861)233-3131
19 Lusana Street. Krasnodar
TEL: (861)225-25-52, FAX: (861)225-0252

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko




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