Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


Clinic "NEVROLOGICA": Russia, Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya, 62, 8-800-234-81-08

05 2014
Written by Ирина Горелова

Делимся опытомотSharing experience. To date I made a course of injections to 10 people according to your method and all had positive results. The matter of fact is that I have no medical qualification. I am a musician, a singer, an author, generally speaking, a creative person.

My mother asked me to make a course of injections. She suffered from the pain of trigeminal neuralgia (all three facial branches) almost all her life, she is 73. The last 15 years had been a torture for her and for the whole family, because she got almost all diseases, which I know, over the years of unsuccessful treatment in all departments of hospitals. No one could help her during these years. Blockades and experimental pills only complicated things. Sometimes acupuncture helped her, but just for a short period of time. I don’t want to list all her diseases, just briefly summarize the main of them:

-Spine diseases (lordosis, multiple hernia infringement, narrowing of the nerve canal in the cervical spine, protrusion, etc.)
-Diseases of gastrointestinal tract (ulcer of duodenum, intestinal, etc.)
-cystis in liver
-cystis in the arachnoid membrane near the cerebellum (a nut sized)
-intrauterine concussion (hydrocephalus was suspected, apparently in connection with this)
- heart rheumatism, mitral insufficiency
-multiple concussion
-artrit, arthritis, etc.
-operation in the left frontal sinus to remove a cyst (20 years ago), as a result the pain of trigeminal become hell
- pancreatitis as a permanent knife in her stomach.

I can describe all her organ this way. A scary set.

Only God knows why she, the 8th child of her parents, the last one (of the twins, her brothers and sisters are deceased already) is still alive with these health problems.

Within many years my mother was in different hospital departments, took bags of all kinds of pills, liters of solution had been poured into her, but at the best case they killed a little pain from the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes she returned home in the same condition.

Doctors mocked at her, they didn’t know the connection between the trigeminal and stomach. Within these years she got used to restrictions and diet, but the last 10 years her diet consisted only from buckwheat, cottage cheese, tea and bread. The slightest deviation caused seizures and vomiting with all the unfortunate consequences.

Relief happened only on the day of Communion (all members of our family are Orthodox Christians). She didn’t go outside, when the temperature was below 15. In summer she always wore socks on her feet, kerchief on his head; I have nothing to say about winter, because in winters she never went outside.

Attacks of trigeminal lasted differently, no painkillers helped, we had already started to use morphine. I knew it was a dead end. Seeing the pain of a person who you love is the most ruthless torture, but there was no way. Her veins went deeper, as they say, and the last time in the hospital they inserted clavicular catheter.

As my mother is an educated person, all rounder, a biologist, she worked in a school, a modern-day advanced grandmother; my son gave her computer a year ago and she started to look for all kinds of ways to relieve her pain.

On October 11 last year she found your website. As she was a non-transportable, a trip to your place did not come into question, the slightest shaking was like a set of pain spring. She made me watch all your videos and pressed me to do her injections. Over the years I have learned to do IM injections to my mother almost painless.

On October 17 I decided to try it. Of course, it was obviously stressful for me and my hands were shaking. First time I made injections into 36 points, I spilled the solution into syringes 2ml, because syringes 5ml seemed to me too thick for her. My mother was greatly reduced, only skin and bones.

Now some words about my father. He is 75, a military engineer, had never been sick, but in 1993 he had a heart attack and later it happened again. In 2005 a vital question arose in Kiev (AMN, vulgarly - Shalimovka), and they successfully conducted an absolute bypass surgery to him. After surgery he continued his work, but two years later he broke down and left his work. He started to walk badly, had high pressure (upper 170 to 200), incised veins in legs concerned him a lot, then appeared signs of Parkinson's. The next day I made injections to my father. Also not deep, with syringes 2ml, a small number of points.

His pressure immediately reduced to 120/80

By my mother things became worse, but not much.

A few days later she asked me for the second session of injections. Mama assisted me, when I made injections to my father. She watched, pointed out mistakes, comparing my work with yours.

And the third session. November, 26

I made injections into more than 80 points. My son helped me to find the points, handed syringes. My mom felt better immediately after the session, she even felt some sore points in her back released. But the next 4 days were hard. Everything, that might hurt her, inflamed. Her hands, feet seemed to be beaten, her stomach burned with fire, at night she was close to hallucinations, her brain burned, her spine felt like tuned in all directions. The days were delirious. He scolded me and herself for having agreed.

On the 5th day my mother opened her eyes in the morning and felt – as You talked about an angel-it seemed like all pains were turned off. Two days she had a feeling of a flying body.

No pain anywhere. The trigeminal-my mom’s biggest enemy kept silence.

She started feeling hungry, what didn’t happy for many years. That time Festal disappeared from pharmacies (reregistration in Ukraine), my mom never had meal without it. Nothing could replace it. I insisted that she ate without pills. Now I start to enter into her diet some fish, meat, fruit, bake pies with frozen berries to her. All this food is without using of Festal and she has no pain. Independent painless stools. During this time she gained 6kg and does not look like a concentration camp prisoner any more. The pressure is normal. She is joyful.

Most important thing she pointed out is the clarity of her brain.

The most important thing that impressed me- her wry spin with protuberant in different places spinal bones became straight as one of a young girl. The blades are in their places. Her broken knuckled rib as if placed its correct position. My mom does morning exercises, rolls on her back on the floor to strength the muscles. Her blood circulation normalized. She walks barefoot in sleeveless shirt and does not freeze. This fact and the fact that she started to eat shocked everybody.

The process of constant positive dynamics continues. During those six weeks, I made 8 sessions of injections to her and to my father. They asked me to stop it only now.

It’s not only me, who can list positive changes, but all our friends and relatives, who also asked me to make them a course of injections. Some of them even didn’t want to watch your videos, they had seen my mother before and after the course of injections.

Everyone, who had asked for injections, had positive results immediately, and when I called them later, they said me, that their various unpleasant or painful senses disappeared. Generally, all had improvements.

Before the New Year I decided to try it myself. I confided to my son. Over the years he also succeeded in injection sessions to my mother. During one session my son searched the points and made injections by himself, two times – half of the back.

Of course, he made injections slower than me (this is a matter of practice), it was so hurt, that I asked to stop three times, but the result was obvious. Pains in back and waist disappeared immediately, in the mornings I stopped feeling headache like after hangover (I had a heavy concussion), but had some strain in those places, where I had an operation (long time ago). I believe, it is a temporary alteration, only one week passed.

Dear Andrey, God helps you in everything! We, Orthodox Christians, can only pray for your good health, thank God and tell everybody about You.

3.03.2014 12:57

I would like to add this to the letter of January 10. Dad’s hands were shaking, and like all parkinsonian patients he was not able to step over bathroom door sill. In addition, we were upset seeing him depressed, grumpy, angry. He needed longer time to answer a question and his eyes seemed frozen. He was slow in everything. He was not able any more to sit himself into an armchair. Since October I have made to my father 10 injections (although the first two were not complete). To date we have the following results. The most important is his brain activity. Absolutely healthy and clear way of thinking, his speech is faster, his eyes watch clearly and quickly, do not freeze. Of course, he says, he feels himself 20 years younger. We have forgotten, that he could smile (Dad was always very reserved, a military engineer) and he suddenly started to joke, work crossword puzzles with my mother. The pressure became stabilized.

Sometimes it rises, but not so seriously, as it was before using RANC. It doesn’t cross the mark of 200. Hand does not shake any more, he walks a long distance to market every day, sometimes even twice, because he needs to do something, to go somewhere. The day before yesterday he went for a walk in the woods, the whole hour he had been wandering the path, where he’d used to do jogging at his times. In addition to these changes me and my mother have noticed one more thing. After the bypass surgery, that my father had undergone in Kiev in 2005, on his legs in the inner parts of the calves stayed huge scars from the removed veins and every year they became thicker, he felt pain in legs and, like by many old people, his feet became blue. The last six weeks dad started complaining of itching in his feet, he suggested, it was fugnus (how could he only get it, we wondered), but in a couple of weeks things became clear. The blood circulation improved, feet got pink color, stitch thinned to thickness of toothpicks and became as soft as laces. Another startling discovery was waiting us on his head. For many years my father was almost bald, only from the ears to the back of the head was rear hair, and that gray. Well, then on his bald head appeared small hair and even black one.

Now I tell you, how I made injections. Every session of 10 had different number of points. I tried to make injections and between the blades, and into all parts fully. Number of injections was from 40 to 100. Simple composition recommended by doctor with analgin. The first 6 sessions my father felt nothing in the truest sense of the word (physical pain). When on the 7th session I made injection into derriere, he squealed and said that it was hurt for the first time. (The first session was in October)

The last three sessions I made within two weeks of each other. The result is obvious. None of tablet could have this effect.

Now an interesting case. Near Kiev by my patient with Parkinson disease. Advanced stage of the disease. The left side is almost motionless, her hands were shaking badly, a dragging leg. In a day after the first session (about 80 points) she had gray urine with thick consistency of sand, it had been continued about three days. Analysis revealed that it was salt and sand. All noticed clearings in her mind.

Irina Gorelova, Severodonetsk, Ukraine




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