Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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Home  //  Articles  //  How to cure severe pain
07 2014
Written by медицинская теория

How to cure severe painThis question is very important for people who suffer from severe and long pain. If you read this article, it means that this is important for you too. It is actual not for Russians, but also for people abroad. This happens because, to my opinion, medicine theory is not complete, so the practise based on it won’t be effective. What do I mean? Practically all kinds of pain are tried to cure with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as Diklofenak, Ketonal, Nise and others. We also have Katadalon and Lyrica, but notwithstanding that these agents effect differently, one of them is a spasmolytic for central nerve system, another is an antiepileptic, it reduce the activity of overdriven brain cells, but these agents don’t solve the problem, though they must do it. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents effect on “periphery”, their effect is based on reducing the number of prostaglandins which cause inflammation and pain. I didn’t want to write so scientifically, but I had to, because my colleges read my site, and they can disapprove me if I write using low colloquial speech.

It seems that we can cure pain especially if we base on traditional practice, but you should believe your eyes. It is the truth, but if we analyse the situation deeply, without concern theories existed nowadays, which were created by humans who lived before us, we can conclude other point of view.

You can agree with me, that we have many positive results from treatment, they can be proved from the physiology point of view, so we can consider them and change something. I understand that no one want to change something, especially then everything is good. On the other hand, then it isn’t good we have a great desire to change something. If you live happy, have a sound sleep, get up fresh and rested in the morning, do your best at work without any pain and breakdown, and then you return home, you certainly will resist any change.

If everything is quite opposite? When you cannot sleep, eat, talk, work, walk due to pain, you tried everything to get rid of it, but it doesn’t bring any effect, you have a greatest desire to change the situation. It is natural. For example, I worry about the situation in Ukraine, not because it is close to our country. Lugansk, for example gets electricity from Krasnodar. I worry about pain and suffer of people, who got this trouble, who have this war. I was born in Russia, but my grandparents were from Chernigov and Kharkov. There is pain in the East and in the West of Ukraine, so we need to change something. It is understand here and there. I had a brother there. Europe don’t need any change, because everything is good there. I am not a politician, I am a doctor, and I use this example for illustration. As saying says: “a man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry”. I write it to illustrate my personal attitude to pain.

I don´t know how it will end, but I have found the solution how to get rid of physical pain. By the way, it was rather simple. I won´t “show off my intelligence” and “beat about the bush”, I just write its sense. It isn´t need to do vain and expansive attempts in dividing a man into separate parts and symptoms for cure. The fallibility of this method is evident, if you read this article until the end, means you agree with me. Traditional method didn´t cure my headache and pain in the small of the back. “You shouldn’t cure a symptom, you should cure the whole man”, said clever Chinese. I am often asked how I understood this. What I can answer: “I had a headache and backpain during 15 years; I didn’t want to fold my hands”. I looked through many sources. May be it looks like a pathos and offend somebody, I confess I didn’t create a pharmaceutical acupuncture, I read about it in one book, but I didn’t remember its name. Acupuncture was created 6000 years, everyone knows that it is affective, that’s why the flight to China. However, we, Russians, can offer Russian RANC method, the whole name is the Restoration of the Activity of the Nerve Centers. I am asked why I chose an English abbreviation for name of the method. Answers are simple. We don’t appreciate anything made in Russia, we appreciate everything imported. In Soviet Union Polish shirts and Japanese products were better than ours. It is clear that our consumer goods hadn’t good quality but we were guilty in it. Let’s talk about Americans. Their army use aircrafts, which were constructed by our engineer, who had to emigrate due to revolution in Russia and found a company “Sikorsky”. I write some more examples, which maybe you don’t know, please don’t judge me. Who invented television? Television was invented by our science Zworykin, a son of a merchant who had to emigrate to The USA. In addition, the third example. Do you know Steve Jobs? I think you know, because you read these lines. An American and a woman who emigrated from Armenia brought him up. By the way, a Russian engineer invented liquid-crystal screen on which you read these lines. Nobody understood him in Russia, but Steve Jobs did. It is a plain to appreciate our work by using English abbreviation. We think that everything is better abroad. We have invented this method, as a Russian I am not ashamed of it, but I respect whose who live close to us. This is an explanation why this is a Russian method RANC. We have one more argument, which I take into account. Russians of different nationality have immigrated to other countries for the last 20 years. More then 50 millions have emigrated; they are rather clever, talent and hard working. We work for welfare of our family, for the country, which allow us to live in, but we are Russians!

Listen, I aren’t a chauvinist, and a politician; I lived in Soviet Union and learnt how to be an internationalist, respect people with other views, nationality and religion. I have wandered from the subject, so I answer to my question.

If a man wants to get rid of pain, and other “problems”, we should make our brain to “return” to normal “settings”. The sense of Russian RANC method is to recover former, normal activity of nerve centers, which are responsible for normal regulation of all functions and systems in body. How can we do it? It is rather simple, we just need to switch on a process, which leads to this recovery, and it lasts 6 weeks. This process “starts” with a short, but intensive inflow from trapezius muscles. These muscles with an accessory nerve presents a “brain map”. The flow of impulses percolating through an accessory nerve in reticular formation starts in brain a process, which is similar to a function “computer restoration” in your computer. You can see the first results at once, but the process continues 6 weeks. After these weeks, we can see its effect, and consider if we need other procedure. How can we create this flow of impulses? You will laugh a lot, if you consider that we need expensive and “miraculous” medicine. Flow of impulses is a pain. We have the same principle with acupuncture, where we don’t inject anything. I offered to use the injection of painful chemicals into particular parts of back to intensify manyfold the effect from the procedure.

What is this “wonderful” chemical? We don’t have any miracle, it is just deeply diluted solution of analgin. One ampoule of 50% of analgin (2 millilitres) dilute to 4 syringes, we fill 12 millilitres of analgin, then add “saline” (NACL 0.9%). Nevertheless, you can use simpler “chemical”. It is a water for injections. We are Russians we can create anything without any means. You can say that water is a chemical, water is water! You can ask about the sense of it. My answer will be the follow. We don’t need to cure separate symptoms by medicine, our task is to cure it with flow of impulses “starts” in a brain the system of “scanning damaged files”. Water can do this task, because it cause strong short pain in an intramuscular injection. We can regulate the strength of effect by diluting water for injection with the same saline.

This modification of Russian method RANC was offered by a doctor, Gennadiy Vasilevich Berdyugin with 50 years of experience from Angask, I respect and help him a lot. I will publish his letter and a letter of a patient who used this RANC method. I do it because not all users have enough experience with equipment.

I am from Angarsk, I have been used RANC method for 2 years in treatment of different diseases, such as neuralgia of a trifacial nerve.

This method effects this disease. An old woman came to my appointment today. She had darting pain in her left part of the face, it was hard to her to speak, she had constant headache, and she couldn’t sleep due to attacks. Pain came after cure of dentist. It didn’t happen before. When she visited the dentist again, he didn’t know that to do. We did RANC procedure. For this procedure, I use ampule water for injection diluted isotonic solution NaCL divided into two. This hypotonic solution cause the same pain as diluted analgin solution. We don’t have any allergy, because 70% of us is water, it doesn’t harm. Sometimes for treatment of neuralgia of a trifacial nerve, I add (except trapezius muscle) this solution into trigger points of nodding muscle of the same part (usually 3, 4 of the top and middle of this muscle). I noticed that pain disappear faster. After several minutes my patient started to talk fluently, smile and thank God and the author of this treatment Andrew Alexandrovich. So dear colleges this method is unique. God grant him strong health and many happy returns of the day!

There is another letter, just imagine how many followers we have.

Good day! I am 50 years old; I have been suffering from disease for seven years. Neuralgia of a trifacial nerve from right one and 2 branches, the second branch starts to pain after an extraction of a “wisdom” tooth. It was hard for me to eat, talk, I mean, it was painful to talk. I knew this method from the Internet. I was inspired by this innovation, and I call to Mr. Andrew Alexandrovich to consult with him and do treatment by myself as he recommend. The first procedure was hold not so accurate. 40 injections, 20 for one side, were done not in trapeze, but along a spine. After one hour of the procedure, I could eat, but it was difficult to clean teeth. I done 40 injections along the trapeze. Certainly, this treatment is painful, but pain is short, you can handle it. I felt an affect on fifth day; I could eat and clean teeth. 2 months have passed after the procedure, I can talk but pain didn’t disappear, sometimes when I wash my face I feel it. However, I am happy, because I have a progress unlike traditional medicine. I went everywhere, I asked every doctor, it seems that only “botchers” who don’t know how to cure this disease work there. They say that it will be for the whole life, and they could only say that I catch cold concerning the origin of the disease. I will do the third procedure later. I will write the results. I am writing at the instance of Ponomarenko A. A.

Thank you.


n addition, the third letter.

Good day!

I knew about the RANC method and doctor Ponomarenko A. A. in January 2014.

I tried to search new way of treatment of my mum. She is 79 years old. Her disease is Parkinson’s disease with an akineticorigid form of Hoehn and Yahr.

She has been ill from 2010. The conditions and symptoms I won’t describe, because the III-IV form of the disease describes it. I can say that this method works! We have done five procedures. The first three we done with the interval of 2-3 weeks, we decided to do more intensive course after 10 days. We do analgin injections in accordance with the scheme described by Andrew Alexandrovich. Two times we injected only trapezius muscle, others according to the whole scheme.

We could see such positive results as:

- After the first procedure the problem of enuresis disappeared;
- After the third one the fingers on right hand, which had already restricted in movement, started to work;
- Painful and long headache had reduced, she hasn’t feel the strong one, constant and exhausting pain doesn’t disturb her;
- My mother walks more herself without any support or by using a walker; sometimes she manage to stand up from a chair or armchair without any help (in winter she couldn’t get up from a bed and didn’t walk);
- The old problem connected with inflammation of a sciatic nerve from the right side disappeared;
- She has a sound sleep without any sleeping pills.

The process of changing is wavy. However, the whole tendency of improvement is observed. She continue to take medicine advised in hospital.

She says, that she feels an improvement during first three weeks then she has a recession. She asks to do procedures.

Observing the changing of disease condition, which my mother has, after using method RANC, I started to spread the information between my friends and acquaintances about the researches and my experience of using the method of Andrew Alexandrovich treatment for different neurologic diseases. As a result, having studied the materials published at site and videos on Utube, many people concluded that this method is safe and can be practiced, because everyone has problems of this kind. Moreover, before I did a procedure to my mum, I had done it to myself to feel what it was and cure my own insignificant problems.

I have done these procedures to some people. Everyone has its own problems. I do procedures myself. I live in Moscow, so if anyone need help, call me or write. I will share my observations and experience with you with pleasure.

Dear Andew Alexandrovich, I thank you a lot for selfless devotion. In January, when I firstly saw information about you, I spent several days in reading and watching your materials. I felt the trust to you and your method at first sight. I hope, I will come to you soon.

I wish health and welfare for all!
Sincerely yours,
Irina Donskaya.

Here I want to finish, in other case it will be too much information.
I want to write to my colleges and people who need help that now we have new possibilities. We continue to do researches in science and medicine.

Neurology: neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko



Video reviews

All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube

  • • Patient Reviews
  • • Execution of procedures
  • • Where the method is applied
  • • NEUROLOGY clinic




A. Ponomarenko







Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya 62

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