Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


Clinic "NEVROLOGICA": Russia, Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya, 62, 8-800-234-81-08

Andrey Ponomarenko
About our website and a "non-existent" treatment approach.

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Neurology, modern methods of treatment
10 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

RANC. Why nobody knowsAlmost everyone knows that "all the future exists in the past". RANC method was used frequently, it had a different name and an insignificant scope of application due to another theoretical justification and it was forgotten.

Working as a doctor, I had been analysed the results of practical using of different methods of treatment during 14 years. I found out the answers to questions, which were not discussed in books and lectures of our professors. After changing the old and forgotten way of treatment, I succeed in extending the scope of application in treatment of some diseases which have been considered incurable until now. I named it according my own views of its operating principle. My conclusions are differ from traditional ones; therefore, an old way of treatment got a new name. In the article below, I tell about it. Let us start.

10 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

metod RANC-FulcrumThere is a funny story: On the river there are two boats. One boat is full loaded with various goods and belongings, Chukchi man is pulling oars while his wife is holding an infant and into oncoming boat which is also loaded with a mountain of things there’s another Chukchi man lying at the stern, with his feet on a top of luggage, holding his hands behind his head and staring at the sky while his wife pulling oars with their baby on her back. When the boats have come up to each other, the first Chukchi with oars asks the second one; "Hi Vasiliy! What are you doing while your wife pulling oars upstream? ". Vasily without changing his position, spat a grass blade, which he kept in his mouth, turned his head slightly to him and said; " Nicholas, all the time thinking about how to move on? "It's funny, if Vasiliy takes his wife’s oars and pulls oars upstream by himself, things would be better. But will it happen? People often give up seeing not great difficulties, but when loose the reason of their lives, and in this case even a small problem becomes insuperable. It’s necessary to find your reason to live, your "fulcrum", than no stress will harm your health.

10 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Magic Hand and the RANC methodPatients often ask me to make medical procedures personally and they reason it by the fact, they could do it at home, but they believe, I can do it better. I laugh and ask them, if I have a "magic hand"? Although, generally speaking, it makes sense, because physical and emotional effect are both important. If you come right down to it, our illness is just a result of having negative emotions, so positive emotions respectively lead to healing, and these things are so obvious sometimes. Previously, before the war in Ukraine, half of my patients came from Ukraine. By the way, I am not a linguist, but I always was surprised, when people of Ukraine corrected me, when I said "on Ukraine." They often said me, it is correct "not on Ukraine, but in Ukraine," because we don’t say "on Russia." I used to say this way and it is not offensive, but I corrected myself and said it so, as I was asked about, though, I had my own idea. For example, where I live, " on Kuban" or " in Kuban", or someone lives "on the Don," or "in the Don", or " on Bahamas", or " in Bahamas"? Well, it does not matter, otherwise I will wander from the point. So, before the war a couple from Donetsk came to us to cure Parkinson's disease, and the woman told me: "As soon as we crossed the border in Russia, I immediately felt better."

Is there other explanation to this fact than a positive attitude and a BELIEF, that she will get help here? Here it is " the magic hand"! It is FAITH, and it is well known, although I did not take this fact into account, I thought this rituals are stupid things, but I do not think so any more. As people say, it happens to be and it really happens!

Agitating teams, concerts at the front, just before the fight, from where many solders will not return. I thought, it was kind of stupid, but Stalin did not think, he knew. I can not and will not assess the personality of this man, but it is obviously, that he knew the thing, that a positive mood can give the fighters more mental and physical strength in battle, that’s why the best singers performed in front of the soldiers to inspire them, present a moment of memory about their children and wives behind their backs.

This is the power of positive emotions. And We all have won that war, as well as many others. Therefore, I understand the words of the song by Butusov from my favorite band "Nautilus Pompilius", "Air will keep only those, who believe in themselves, and the wind blows only there, where orders the one, who believes in himself."

RANC method, Parkinson's disease cure, migraine treatment, treatment of trigeminal nerve, herniated disc treatment, treatment of the sciatic nerve, neurologist, is that everything a fiction? My patients ask me, why nobody knows about this method and why we didn’t know about it earlier. What should I answer? I tried, but it seemed to me irresponsibly to make my idle speculation visible for everybody, so I kept silence all these years. Even now, when the RANC method has been accepted and used by many doctors not only in our country, I feel embarrassed, because many people make it independently and do not all things correctly. Russian RANC method is so simple and effective, that it has been used not only by doctors, but also by ordinary people, who have no physical or material possibility to see their doctor. Just imagine, the defeat of the trigeminal nerve is almost the only disease, which makes patients think about suicide. Just imagine the situation and understand, it is not a joke, when a few years ago when I worked as a neurologist in Krasnodar City Clinic # 14, a woman attended my medical appointment and said: "I have an eye sore, like a tooth one, and I'm ready to cut out this eye to stop feeling the pain. " And one more example. Another woman with defeated trigeminal nerve attended my medical appointment in my clinic "Nevrologika", She told me, that she wanted to hang herself because of pain and decided to fulfill her wish. She said: "I put a backless stool under an apple tree, went to wash myself, dressed myself in clean clothes, placed a rug under the stool. I listened to this horror and wondered: "Why did you place a rug?”, she answered: "What is why? For my children, I did not want them to wash my body before placing it in coffin, if I suddenly fell down from the apple tree. "

This is the pain people suffer from by the trigeminal nerve, and those people, who have it, will understand me, especially when the pain lasts for years. People pull out all their teeth, but the pain lingers on, it's very hard.

People often ask me, if I have patented my method. I have some counter-questions and the first one is "WHY?". They say: "To take money." I have long understood answers to these questions, so I start asking questions, and the first one is "From whom should I take money?", they answer:" From people, who use it." I ask such doctors, like my father, he also was a doctor, but did not know about this method, we didn’t learn about it, but I had discovered it trying to cure myself from headache. My father lived in another family, our meetings were not very welcomed there, so we saw each other rarely. He never complained about anything and we met very rarely. It was the reason, why I never performed the procedure with him and I did not know all things, I know now. In one terrible day he fell down and died of a stroke just after his "60" anniversary. Just before it happened, he underhandedly had pulled out himself 18 teeth. This is the defeat of the trigeminal nerve. Should I hide the truth from such people?

Patent, money, but where have You seen in Russia somebody to pay for something, especially for incomprehensible for the Russian person phrase "Intellectual Property". We have no such thing, Anglo-Saxons have it, but by us things are simple; honor and praise to you, if you have invented something, “the whole village will pick mushrooms this way”. Therefore, no need “ to build a fence”, do not act like Europeans and Americans, they have to pay for everything, and we have, mildly speaking, to use. Therefore it is better to give, than pretend to be a European and run in attempt to "freezout" mythical money from compatriots, especially when your idea facilitates their lives.

The Russian RANC method. Why did I give it this name? For example, I could name it VANZ( Vosstanovlenie Aktivnosti Nervnih Zentrov (Reactivation of Nerve Centre in Russian language), but gave it English abbreviation and did it deliberately. We do not appreciate our culture, we do not value ourselves and now it’s impossible to change this. For some reasons we appreciate all foreign, imported things and this is the reason, why I posted it that way. But there is another one reason. I initially decided to distribute it around the world to make it available not only to us, and the language of this website is not only Russian, but also English; so it is named RANC. It is known in Canada, Australia and in the US, and I know about it, so it is necessary. Our people live there too. By the way, after the dissolution of the country's 50 million not the worst Russian people settled around the world. They were not only scientists, doctors, engineers, but simply hard-working good people. Great scattering.

Now everywhere and in every country we meet our compatriot.

It was not the "lyrics", we just forget about this things, but shouldn’t. As for the Russian RANC method, I should say, this method is not directed to remove any symptom and does not go the way the medicine unsuccessfully goes for hundreds of years. The standard procedure is aimed to force the brain to engage and cleanse itself of accumulated errors. It is something like "System Restore" in PC, when computer scans the files and restores itself to its previous working state.

Finally, I would like to say, I am very pleased, I have told you the things, which brewed up in my soul, but, unfortunately, were not put into words.

In conclusion to remove another constant question publishing it in this article, the question placed on the website in the article "Method RANC-false way. Let’s discuss it.” Here is it in whole copied directly from the website.

Natalia Bart:


Andrey Ponomarenko: Dear Natalia, I’m sorry for the late response. It’s a pity, that no one responded to your comment. The method is really not certified, as it is a type of paravertebral blockades, which have long been certified. The only feature is the new theoretical justification of their actions and expansion of the scope of its application to a larger number of pathologies. Sincerely Andrey Ponomarenko.

Neurology: neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko

09 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

We don't feel pain at firstWe don't feel pain at first; we leave calmly and don't know that pain has hidden in our body. It appears in one unhappy day. It surprises us a lot. How it can be, what have I done? I didn't deceive anyone, at least I tried. What is the reason for pain? Pain is everywhere, in body and in soul. We can deal with pain in bode rather simply by using method RANC. It will disappear because we know human physiology. It is difficult to treat soul pain, because we don't know the reason of it. We have done so many mistakes during our life, and it is very hard to determine the reason of "a break up of our brain operating system".

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A. Ponomarenko







Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya 62

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