One more time about Parkinson’s disease |
I created this website in order to show a new approach to treatment of diseases, which pharmacology can not help\which can not be help pharmacologically. In this article I want to talk about Parkinson’s disease. I received a lot of letters from such patients and I understand why. Read more... |
Spinal disc herniation and protrusion. |
Chernomyrdin was giving a speech in the parliament and uttered this phrase about one nasty affair: "We wanted the best but it turned out as always". When I decided to write an article about the treatment of spinal disc herniation and protrusion, I recalled these words of Victor Petrovich. Read more... |
Ten months ago I promised my old patient Ludmila, who I treated in 2006 from the expressed right-sided hemiparesis, which developed against the background of the hearth, emerged in the cervical spinal cord, but only now I decided to write it. I was encouraged, though it may seem strange, by multiple appeals to "NEVROLOGIKA" of patients with the syndrome and Parkinson's disease. During three months many of them I managed to help but not everybody unfortunately. However, even the fact that a good half of them regained many of their functions and reduced up to 2-3 times the amount of drugs taken, it is also a great success. Although these diseases considered incurable, vide reviews of patients, their conditions before and after the treatment leave no doubt that the method RANC is effective in this case. And I thought why and how the multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disease different? After all according to the official theory these poor patients, as well as Parkinson's patients, are also deprived of the chance of recovery, and this is definately not true and I have good examples (and even very positive ones), even they are documented that the method works and RANC in this case.
I didn’t have enough time to write a new article for the site. By the way, there are many new observations and plans and finally … I receive quite a lot of phone calls and emails about the method I called RANC, about its good results. Now there is no point to list places where it is used. It happens because of 3 reasons. Firstly, it is absolutely legal since it is just a modification of paravertebral block. Secondly, it is so cheap and simple that can be used by any nurse or medical assistant. And thirdly, its unprecendented and miraculous effectiveness.
Since the brain is able to regulate itself through the reticular formation, we can suggest that all functional disorders can be treated as well as some organic ones, emerged on their background. Such optimistic is made after observing patients whose hormone levels changed after 1-2 treatment procedures. It is known that several young women who had been treating infertility for 3-5 years soon after treatment became pregnant.
Method (from the Greek methodos - way of research or knowledge, theory, doctrine), the set of modes or operations of a practical or theoretical understanding of reality.
RANC or The Restoration Of The Activity Of Nerve Centers.
Specific, practical purpose of the method is the elimination of all kinds of symptoms of various diseases through the influencing on the causes, that lead to a disease appearance.
All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube
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