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Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


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05 2012

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

New, safe and effective treatment approach of trigeminal neuralgia.
If you are reading this page, you or your relatives suffer pain caused by an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. On the Internet, as it is the most convenient source of information, you can find many facts about the causes of trigeminal neuralgia and treatments based on incomplete information of true factors that leads to this disease. Many people are coming closer to the solution of this problem, and coming from different sides, with different results. But it seams that my pathogenetic treatment approach(treatment directed on the elimination of the cause) has already finished first. I will tell about everything in this article and in the videos on this page devoted to incurable disease. Modesty - is a good trait which means concealing achievements, not offending others. I suppose, that ancient quotation - "doing good deeds know where to stop" suits this situation. Demonstration of modesty and concealment of an easy and effective treatment of this considered incurable disease and a pain it causes is not actual modesty but at least sabotage.

I think, al the materials that we can find on the internet have several similarities. One of these is in-depth description of trigeminal nerve anatomy, undoubtedly, trigeminal nerve is complex, and suggestions about treatments not taking into consideration the main principle of brain work. It does not matter which way we will choose to find a solution to a problem of recovery of any nerve(including trigeminal) all the attempts will be a failure if we think about a nerve as a separate thing, not connected with others.

I don't want to make you tired of the anatomy, you have already learned a lot about it. Let's get down to business. The brainstem is located at the lower, back part or posterior of the brain. It connects the brain with the spinal column. Nerve roots from spinal column go to all the muscles, bones, vessels and inner organs. Nerve roots end with tiny nerves that penetrate every millimeter of the body with its dense network. All muscles stem from hemispheres each of them has two gyruses reesponsible for muscles movements and sensitivity. Millions of cells(whose outgrowths stretch to body muscles) are concentrated in these gyruses. Strictly speaking, spinal cord consists of such outgrowths. Inner organs, bones, blood vessels are controled from hemispheres and brain stem.

That is how the human nervous system arranged. And trigeminal nerve relates to cranial nerves, starts from the brain stem. It consist of hundreds nerve clusters called "cranial nerves cores" and from them 11 pairs of cranial nerve start. Each of them has its own functions, though I won't talk about them so not to lost track of the topic. Now you will understand the main principleof brain arrangement which not everybody, who tries unsuccessfully to cure, takes into consideration. And everything will fall into place.

Main principle of brain arrangement, which if ignored leads to failure in 100% of cases, is the integration of all its 100 billion cells through brain structure which is in these 100 billion - BRAINSTEM RETICULAR FORMATION. This names translates from Latin as network which is actually a network that is located in all brain divisions. Does not sound familiar? Of course, omnipresent Internet and not only name is familiar. Various brain divisions communica with each other through this network. The server of this network is located in the brainstem and tightly enlace not only the brainstem, but also all 12 pairs of cranial nerves and trigeminal nerve is not an exception. By the way, these vital centers are also in the brain: respiratory, vasomotor, temperature regulating center. That is why even tiny dysfunctions in the brain stem on such an important and small area in a form of cells death usually result in death because of the break in this centers.

Let's get back to trigeminal nerve. This nerve comes out of the cores responsible for motor, sensory and nutrient(vegetative) functions. Disorders in the cells of these cores leads to numerous symptoms, one of them is pain. Pain in any part of the face, tooth, ear, eye, sinuses of the skull and skin is just the reflexion of increased activity of trigeminal nerve cores cells that provide sensivity in this place. Numbness or other senses like goose skin are only the reflection of decreased or periodical changes in those calls activity. That is the main cause of disorders related to trigeminal nerve. On every page in one way or another I talk about the main cause of all problems - disorders in nerve centers work caused by the stress. I will repeat one more time - it is possible to bring back to nerve centers their former regular activity level. We just need to turn on the "reboot" process by such short and powerful stress that will erase tracks of previous problems. It is not difficult as it seems to do. Moreover, trigeminal neuralgia is the most curable because in 99% cases the cause is disorders in cells work. The left 1 % are disorders caused by severe brain damages(intoxication, traumas, tumors and sometimes strokes). Although, trigeminal neuralgia seems insignificant in comparison with other more significant symptoms. That is why we can say that pain caused by trigeminal neuralgia is absolutely curable even if it sounds indecently.

Newton once said: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". We live in an information explosion decade which professor N.P. Behterov named "brain decade" - it explains the great number of discoveries in all scientific fields. Nowadays, every diligent student can easily find the information on the internet, turn it into a discovery and make a breakthrough in a certain field. How about mentally challenged people who carried out act of terrorism, invent dodgy fraud, on the internet as well, are the perfect example of such conclusion. Not to mention people who have serious intentions to achieve something in their useful field and analyse great amounts of information. Such people are bound to succeed despite their marks at school or colleges. It is known that Newton itself was removed from school because he could not be taught. Such facts tell us not that Newton is in every idler, but about the quality of educational programs. Such digression was made to help you understand that it is not surprising that every day great discoveries are made including the medicine as one of the most conservative sciences. Thorough research of brain reticular formation started only in the last decade and before this its functions were not clear for the researchers. The discovery of the approach that can affect it through numerous cores of trapezius muscle which are connected tightly with this global cerebral network. It makes it possible to solve problems related to different, previously thought incurable diseases, one of them is our case of damaged sensitive cores of a trigemenal nerve.

The thing is that cores of a trigeminal nerve, the fifth cranial nerve, is located in only a few millimeters from the cores of so-called accessory nerve, the eleventh cranial nerve, which controls trapezius muscles. Muscles spans the neck, shoulders and back. They control movements of these spinal cord regions and support the arm. That is it what the accessory nerve is doing according to traditional theory. Although it is not not quite so. One important thing is missed - its connections in the brain. These connections are so broad, that any disorder occurred in the cortex, subcortex, brainstem, and even in the spinal cord inevitably is developed in painful tense of certain fibers in these muscles. Trigeminal nerve, despite its complexity, is also "complaining" about its "rough luck" by producing muscles spasm(neck, suprascapular part and especially in the middle of shoulders).

Everybody who suffered this pain knows that it is trying to be treat with medicines used for epilepsy, for example Valproic acid, Carbamazepine, Convalis and others. It happens because the genesis of pain when sensitive cores of trigeminal nerve is damaged and epilepsy of different types is the concentration of stagnant excitation. Medicines, lowering this abnormal activity, can also remove symptoms and in our case - pain. Unfortunately, these medicines despite their selectivity exert an inhibitory effect on the whole brain. Epileptologists used to say that epilepsy treatment is worse than epilepsy itself because of the complications. Exactly the same can be said about trigeminal neuralgia. Medicines reduce pain and at the same time lead to weakness, sleepiness and some mental inadequacy which make the quality of life worse. Epilepsy, as well as lethargy, is considered to be inexplicable and incurable. However, hyperstimulation of sore trapezius muscles is able to awake a person from lethargy and at least lower the power, frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures. Detailed description of mechanisms, which are in the basis of the occurrence of lethargy, and cases of wonderful treatment with videos you can find in Lethargy. It is not strange that diseases similar in the cause can be successfully treated by the approach that eliminates this cause. That is why trigeminal neurologia is successfully and easily treated through hyperstimulation of accessory nerve cores which are located in a few millimeters from each other. But the situation with epilepsy is more complicated because of the position of centers in various rain divisions and hugeness of damaged area. And tiny sensitive cores of trigeminal nerve are situated on the small territory. If we draw an analogy between our brain and our planet, then this territory will be Vatikan, for instance. So it does not matter how big is the influence of tiny cores cells, 10-20 electrochemical waves in 40-80 seconds are able to deprive energy and the possibility of the overexcited centers second occurrence for long years, even after the first "attack".

Stress happened and left stagnant centers of overecitement as Ivan Petrovich Pavlov called them. New stress only adds damages to the recovering organism. All brain divisions are linked on different principles, including the reciprocity principle when the increase in activity of one leads to the decrease of the others. I though a lot about how severe pain affect the brain generally and in the case when pain is applied to sore areas of trapezius muscles. And I came to the conclusion that pain can't lead to the stimulation of suppressed brain centers. Cases, when at thee moment of injections heart stopped for 10-15 seconds when the wave of impulses transited across the vasomotor center of the brain, confirms that this wave has powerful suppressive effect on the brain centers. Possibly, the excitement centers, being the most vulnerable in power sense, are primarily exposed to suppressant effect of electrochemical reactions triggered from trapezius muscles.

As a result, oppressed structures change their activity to normal in consequence of the brain areas activity, which were overexcited, decrease to normal. Any analogies of brain work and anatomy will be not precise for obvious reasons. But they are convenient to explain principles of brain work. For example, hyperstimulation affect on damage caused by the stress.

According to my observations, such hyperstimulation, even though it lasts for less than a minute, cause processes of positive changes in the brain which are going on actively for about 3-4 weeks and in the future, judging by patients comments, probably last for years.

It is a mistake to think that dislocations of vessels from normal anatomical positions, facial muscles tense, dental caries(by the way, caused by not ignoring the chewing gum after meal, but by disorders in vegetative cores of trigeminal nerve) or tumors near the ranches which can cause pain don't fall from the sky. All these disorders are caused by dysfunctions in the certain brain centers, for example in facial nerve cores that control mimic muscles, or in other brain areas. Such effectivity of treatment(when treating facial pain and numbness, eye and mouth dryness or lacrimation, salivation when functions of these trophic trigeminal nerve cores are increased ) from trapezius muscles stimulation can be explained by the fact that influence was made an all divisions and centers at the same time. The hormones, immune and other types of regulation are changed. The term "reboot" describes it perfectly.

By the way, the mysterious bruxism(gnashing of teeth) is an oral parafunctional activity which also can't be cured can't be be cause by anything apart from rhythmic alteration of excitation and deceleration in cores of the trigeminal nerve which controls masticatory muscles. I have to remind that the brain is working actively during the sleep but without a control of consciousness and that promotes the disinhibition of excitement which is suppressed when we conscious. And epileptic seizures happen more often during the night. I hardly ever hear complaints about gnashing of teeth from people. Perhaps, the reason that it happens during the night and in comparison with the snoring and don't bother sleeping relatives. Apart from that, the cores don't tend to become disordered. Though it can be treated by the standard procedure of trapezius muscles stimulation.

That is how ordinary various disorders of this important nerve are cured. It has to be also mentioned that introduction of such treatment will make the dentists work easier as every millimeter of the gingiva an teeth control exactly his trophic cores and don't let the bacteria to damage it. It concerns also ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists. The whole thing is that bad work of vegetative cores leads to our teeth, eyes, ears problems. Conjunctivitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis, pulpitis, stomatitis and other "itis" occur because of the bad work of the main brain nerve. I can definitely say that any troubles on the face or in the mouth are connected with the trigeminal nerve. Any symptoms of the face are connected with the trigeminal nerve, apart from twitching - it is connected to the facial nerve and it is another issue.

Yes, I have missed one thing. Which in your opinion nerve is responsible for the order on the face? Right, the same great and terrible TRIGEMINAL NERVE.

I don't think that dentists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists and cosmetologists will be offended. They have enough work - traumas, infections and complications after sophisticated piercing. Apart from that, I also don't think that doctors of these similar professions will lose an opportunity to give another effective procedure to their clients only because of their own believes. It is much better than send unfortunate patients to each other with the words: "NOT MY CASE".

I suppose, this is it about the trigeminal nerve. Of course it is brief description but at the same time even light scientific articles may drive readers away from reading. Now you can watch videos which show how the procedure of pharmacological stimulation of trapezius muscles is carried out, which is actually a type of forgotten paravertebral blocks

I have written in the article about the safety of the approach that it use is not limited by the age(as you can see it in the article about the chronic brain ishemia), intellect, gender or the serious condition of the patient. Probably, the only limit is disbelief and unwillingness of the patient. That is expressed mostly by children, people with anxious and suspicious attitude of mind and elderly with DE 2-3. DE is dyscirculatory encephalopathy, disease refers to disorders in cervical circulation and 2-3 are the stages. This disease, apart from symptoms that usually refer to the old age, affect the intellectual abilities of a man leading to the decline of it. Although the brain can suffer in this way also because of traumas and intoxication, the biggest part is alcohol intoxication and leads to traumas. But alcoholics and drug addict I encounter not very often as they deal with their problems themselves.

In the end I'd like to say that no matter how extraordinary and evil or maybe foolish the procedure may look, it is safe, easy in use and so effective for trigeminal nerve disorders that pharmaceutical or complicated surgery seem useless and barbarian. It is also clear that neurosurgery is expensive which is also important. Surely, we can't deal without surgeons but it would to leave for them serious cases, they actually have plenty of them even without trigeminal nerve diseases.

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko

05 2012

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

In order not to be confused while telling about our organism features we have to make an agreement about some rules. The thing is when explaining something we should talk about details if it will help to understand the problem.

I would like to tell about noticed features in our organism work that we can use to treat successfully various diseases. To fully explain what I mean I would not deepen into physiological mechanisms. Let's leave the science fro scientists and use only results. Besides, it doesn't matter how much we learn while trying to get to the main point of the phenomenon sooner or later we encounter with completely inexplicable things. And even when we explain them, we encounter with new ones and so on. It is true for nuclear physics as well as medicine. That is why I suggest not to puzzle over the phenomenon causes.

05 2012

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Osteochondrosis, pain in back, spinal disk herniation, intercostal neuralgia, sciatica. In this article I would like to tell about the treatment approach for most common diseases that can't receive a satisfying help so far. The problem is not in that these diseases are incurable, but in treatments focused only on symptoms, not on the causes. It happens not because of the evil intent.

05 2012

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

In this article I would like to describe very interesting clinical case that show on the one hand disadvantages of modern diagnosis system and on the other hand - surprising effectiveness of RANC approach. The disadvantages of diagnosis system is that doctors pay to much attention on the patient age which is not the main factor in health problems. Undoubtedly, such logic, based on the fact that with years we are not becoming healthier, is understandable. However, it not always happens. We know that even a young person can become ill, but at the same time an old person may not complain about health. Age-related stages of the change in variouss regulatory systems activity are normal. Disorder in these systems work is a disease. The thing is that age-related changes are just being multiplied. These two parallel and unequal processes accumulate during a whole life and give a misleading picture of person consenescence. If we do not take into consideration those rare cases when infirmity follow the person age, then we can wait with fatal anxiety "inevitably" coming troubles. Then we can explain all the disorders by the age and repeat this popular doctors questing: "What do you want in your age?".

On the contrary, if we follow theory of nervism logic and logic of sustained changes in background activity, coming after distress(stress of extraordinary intensity), we will understand that abnormal changes in an organism are not connected with the age.

Constantly repeated in different ways idea was the reason why we designed this website and it is stated in the following: poststress disorders in any regulatory systems and the brain, as a center of these systems location, can be eliminated by stimulating reticular formations through accessory nerves in brain. I named this treatment approach RANC - The Restoration of the Activity of nerve centers. I understand it is rather audacious to state that thee solution to all problems was right under our nose. In this article I will try not to talk about details, which can be read on other pages, but to show a vivid example of my idea that I stated before.

I met my patient Ludmila Saulovna Surkova at the first time on January13, 2009. Her young daughter came to me and asked to visit her mother at home. According to daughter, her mother suddenly became ill when she found out that her older daughter died due to stroke. Ludmila Saulovna lived in Moscow at this time, she was 89. Right after the tragic news general weakness and dizziness occurred. Apart from these, memory and orientation disorder occurred and also hallucinations. It happened on September 22, 2008.

A week later, September 29, 2008, ambulance brought her to Moscow hospital №6. She was there from September 29 to November 02, 2008. Her diagnosis was: Chronic ischemia at decompensation stage. Vertebrobasilar syndrome. Intellectual disability. Arterial hypertension. Atherosclerosis of brain, heart, aorta vessels. Pneumosclerosis. Emphysema. Chronic gastroduodenitis, remission. Chronic cholecystitis, remission. Chronic pyelonephritis, exacerbation from 10.07.2007. Chronic cystitis, exacerbation.

At the moment of medical examination - complaints about nausea, memory decline,dizziness.

Her state when she was brought to the hospital was assessed as "state of moderate severity". Neurological status, apart from "a patient was disoriented in her own personality and time" and "deep reflex D>S" which said little about the patient, had no deviation.

10.23.2008. Appointment with psychiatrist seeing inadequate behavior.
Diagnosis: Organic disorder with cognitive dysfunctions. Can be treated in a clinical department. Advised to take Truksal up to 50mg a day, Phenazepam 1 pill(1mg) at night.

Following disorders while being in a hospital were only noticed: uroschesis(but happened only once), urologist described it as pelvic organs reflex dysfunction. Other examination results were ordinary apart from "phlebostatis in pulmonary circilation" according to X-ray. After the treatment which consisted of medicines to lower blood pressure, antispasmodics, tranquilizers, antidepressant, antibiotics, vitamins and nootropics (enhancing brain nutrition) patient state became netter.

Epicrisis said: with the treatment help the patient state became better, stabilized, remains tolerable. Hemodynamic parameters are stable. The patient can sit and walk with help. Adequate, behavior is well-ordered.

The description how she felt in a hospital is shown in the video at the end of the article. I saw her January 13, 2009 when her daughter had brought her to Krasnodar two months passed after the hospital and according to daughter, her mother state had not changed.

What did I see? Firstly, I noticed right away signs of Parkinsonism like "beggar pose", freezing, lack of emotions on the face, shuffling gait and a change to smaller, cramped handwriting which are usual for Parkinsonism. The thing is Ludmila Saulovna being a teacher in the past wrote a lot and did not change her habit even after the hospital.

I don't why Parkinsonism was not included in her diagnosis. Most likely because blood vessels parkinsonism is common for old people and when it is insignificant, doctors don't mention it. Apart from parkinsonism, there were slowed movements and weakness. She was open for a contact, never complained. To go to a bathroom she asked her daughter for help and holding her hand she moved. But usually she was spending time in bed or, as usual, she was sitting at the table and writing. That is actually it.

I should also add that she is a miniature woman. It is usually thought that if a person considerably than he must be almost like a vegetable or at least spend all the time in bed. What could I prescribe her apart from nootropics? In comparison with treatment in Moscow it would not give anything and will be only formality that can hide my helplessness. …....

However, I remembered many cases when I helped elderly men and women after strokes. Blood vessels parkinsonism is rather common in such situations. And I decided to use brain stimulation approach.

I talked to both mother and daughter and explained them the key point of the procedure and received their agreement. I remember I gave about 20 injections in trapezius muscle which she endured very well. I checked blood pressure to be sure that everything is fine and left the patient was to have a rest.

The second time when I visited her was on 02.05.2009, her daughter invited me. She met me at the hospital and said that on the next morning after the injections mother started walking steadily and slowness disappeared. These news made me glad and I visited them that very day.

When I stepped in I saw a completely different person. In front of me was standing a happy, cheerful person without any sign of Parkinson's syndrome and intellectual disability. I was surprised when I saw her and asked a permission to shot a video on my mobile. At that time I did not think about a website and wanted this video only for me. Unfortunately, the video is gone now. I vividly rmember that I gave her 36 injections between shoulders. After that we met only once on 09.01.2010 at school when I was tacking my children to school and she was taking her great-grand children apparently.

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko

05 2012

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

A few words about "new" treatment principle that we can say does not exist till now. The point in following. If we cause pain in a tensed muscle, the muscle will relax and its tone will be different. Apitoxin, for example, when got in skin or muscles firstly, causes strong painful irritation and secondly, cuts off transmission of nerves and has paralyzing effect. Traditional medicine practitioners noticed anesthetic effect when bees stung a person who has radiculitis. Those practitioners could not explain the phenomenon as did not have our possibilities but used it skillfully. Chinese doctors with the same purpose used needles and caused pain by warming up needles with wormwood cigars, cauterizing without needles, finger pressure. In Russia apart from apitoxin we used nettle which was less effective since skins receptors were affected, not muscles. Leeches should not be in this list because their bite is painless and although the effect is good, it is not reflex and similar to medicines.

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A. Ponomarenko







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