Neurology. A new Russian method of treatment RANC


Clinic "NEVROLOGICA": Russia, Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya, 62, 8-800-234-81-08

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08 2013

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

After analyzing the quantity of views on our channel on YouTube I understood that the most popular one is the short video about the ear noise treatment through RANC method. This fact in itself is surprising. There will be another topic about this problem and now we are going to talk about a sciatic nerve again. The videos about this problem are on the second stage after an ear noise, though the statistic shows that more then 50% viewers saw this video.

I have already posted an article devoted to this problem and want to talk about it once more. I don’t consider this idea as bad because it is unlikely that I will repeat myself. I decided on purpose not to look at the published article about the sciatic nerve treatment and its causes. I suppose I will find another way how to put the explanation, which is definitely not bad.

In Krasnodar the treatment of inflamed sciatic nerve, or as it is usually called restrained nerve, has the standard scheme. I am not going to talk about it a lot as if you are reading this article, you are already familiar with the scheme and apparently it din not help you.

Sciatic nerve and its entrapment, with is can not be cured effectively with the traditional methods, does not differ from any other incurable disease.

Even when I was receiving a neurologist diploma I have some doubts about the quality of knowledge. At that time and now I can see only one thing: the disease, for example the sciatic nerve inflammation, exists and has the whole list of causes. And the causes described by traditional medicine are close to those, created by people fantasies. I do not even want to neither list nor repeat all this nonsense about the over-chilled nerve.

07 2013

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Nowadays, it is considered that pathological symptoms and syndromes occure on the background of unchanged brain. We take into account only the change in the activity of brain centers, but not change in their structure. However, I believe that some pathological symptom is a reflection of new neural circuits which occurred in the brain. And the more neurons diverted to the formation of this new reflex, the more symptom is frank. This fact, in my opinion, is obvious. Nevertheless, the question is how to make neurons reunited in a proper order. Exactly this happens when we stimulate the brain through the reticular formation. Abnormal reflex arc get open, which leads to the disappearance of the symptom. Today, attempts are being made to eliminate some symptoms of disease with the help of medicine, which can only change the activity of the existing nerve centers without changing their structure fundamentally. And these unsuccessful attempts are visible for everybody.

07 2013

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

The genome of any organism and human beings' in particular, as we all know, carries information about the optimal variation of the brain cells connection into a single unit. And after the program is implemented as a result of the birth and development of the body untill reproductive state, all cells of the body are almost perfectly functioning unit (except for genetic abnormalities). Existent today and being the basis of the practice, medical theory does not give a clear answer yet about the cause of diseases, instead it proposes a lot of presumptions. Which, apparently, are incorrect, otherwise the ways to correct the situation for the better would have been already found. Unsuccessful search of the main causes only led to the fact that, not even being found, it was concluded that there are many of them, the most important are "ecology, poor diet, stress (not the first cause, mind you) and etc. etc., and the genetic, hereditary predisposition."

07 2013

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

I would like to be kind, gentle and understandable, but somehow it does not work and I even can tell you why. It happens only because in spite of a detailed explanation of my views and attitudes about the causes and development of diseases people ask me the same questions.

03 2013

Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Ten months ago I promised my old patient Ludmila, who I treated in 2006 from the expressed right-sided hemiparesis, which developed against the background of the hearth, emerged in the cervical spinal cord, but only now I decided to write it. I was encouraged, though it may seem strange, by multiple appeals to "NEVROLOGIKA" of patients with the syndrome and Parkinson's disease. During three months many of them I managed to help but not everybody unfortunately. However, even the fact that a good half of them regained many of their functions and reduced up to 2-3 times the amount of drugs taken, it is also a great success. Although these diseases considered incurable, vide reviews of patients, their conditions before and after the treatment leave no doubt that the method RANC is effective in this case. And I thought why and how the multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disease different? After all according to the official theory these poor patients, as well as Parkinson's patients, are also deprived of the chance of recovery, and this is definately not true and I have good examples (and even very positive ones), even they are documented that the method works and RANC in this case.

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A. Ponomarenko







Krasnodar, st. Kozhevennaya 62

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