One more time about Parkinson’s disease |
I created this website in order to show a new approach to treatment of diseases, which pharmacology can not help\which can not be help pharmacologically. In this article I want to talk about Parkinson’s disease. I received a lot of letters from such patients and I understand why. Read more... |
Spinal disc herniation and protrusion. |
Chernomyrdin was giving a speech in the parliament and uttered this phrase about one nasty affair: "We wanted the best but it turned out as always". When I decided to write an article about the treatment of spinal disc herniation and protrusion, I recalled these words of Victor Petrovich. Read more... |
Russian treatment approach based on RANC is quite effective for treating Parkinson's syndrome and Parkinson's disease. Besides, in clinical deadend, when usual medicines are not effective, new approach shows surprising positive result. The effect depends on how badly brain centers that produce dopamine were damaged.
Treatment approach used nowadays, in my opinion, is completely inadequate. For instance, pain in spine(caused originally by muscle tone) is traditionally "treated" by antiphlogistic medicines, B vitamins, chondroprotectors, various embrocations instead of getting rid of the cause. The effectiveness of such symptomatic therapy(therapy aimed to fight symptoms) is low. And seeing the time spent on treatment, pain relief can be referred to self-recovery. These treatment standards spread, established belief in their realness, lack of alternative result in establishment of the fatal conviction that people suffering such pain can't be helped.
Suggested treatment approach is based on the idea that to get rid of the disease, its cause has to be eliminated. The cause of a disease is a disorder in certain regulatory systems. A treatment through a suggested approach is directed on changes in nerve centers activity in order to optimize their work. In a case with pain in spine, joints and limbs, the short but intense painful stimulation in muscle areas with high tone is done. As a result, cells that control muscle tone lower their activity to normal, thereby the cause of pain disappears.
neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko
What medicines are used? How is this treatment approach work?
These questions are asked most frequently. We are used to the fact that the treatment consist of a set of medicines that must be taken in a certain order. Prescribed medicines have to fill the lack of some substances(substitution therapy), stimulate or suppress organs and systems work. One of the biggest disadvantages of medicamentous therapy is its low selectivity, when injected medicine along with desired effects on one system cause unwanted changes in many other systems.
Like any other treatment approaches, related to reflexotherapy, this approach is most effective for functional disorders(disorders without dysfunctions in organs and system structures) and least effective with organic disorders(when regular structure of organs and tissues is changed). However, it is impossible to give a precise answer to the question to what extent functional or organic disorders influence on health. Thus, tolerable state of health is possible at severe organic dysfunctions because of compensation of functional disorders. At the same time at unchanged organs structures functional disorders happened rapidly may lead to organism death.
All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube
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