One more time about Parkinson’s disease |
I created this website in order to show a new approach to treatment of diseases, which pharmacology can not help\which can not be help pharmacologically. In this article I want to talk about Parkinson’s disease. I received a lot of letters from such patients and I understand why. Read more... |
Spinal disc herniation and protrusion. |
Chernomyrdin was giving a speech in the parliament and uttered this phrase about one nasty affair: "We wanted the best but it turned out as always". When I decided to write an article about the treatment of spinal disc herniation and protrusion, I recalled these words of Victor Petrovich. Read more... |
I always had the idea of opening my own neurological clinic but was not sure whether I will be able to deal with unavoidable difficulties such as financial, organizational and simply professional. With more practical experience for treating different diseases with RANC, the desire to open my own neurological clinic in Krasnodar has grown stronger. Moreover, I think I understood the main drawbacks in the organization of work and ways of overcoming them. The website really helped me. Though it was not created as an advertising platform, it was rather created as an open scientific work or a tutorial for those who are doing something similiar. By the way, today I received an email from a Georgian doctor who is applying my method RANC and very pleased with the results.
About a year ago a young man came and said: "I'm sick".
I have been working as a neurologist for eight years in Krasnodar but nobody usually starts the conversation with such words. it is obvious if somebody has an appointment with a doctor, he is ill so such beginning of the conversation surprised me. Then he told me what happened with him. And once again I thought that my research work about how to influence on the brain through the reticular formation was not a waste of time. if I did not have practical knowledge, I would never be able to help him. And our meeting happened not by chance.
On the one hand, Vitalii case and his life after finding out the diagnosis is ordinary. What can be unusual when a healthy young man suddenly becomes ill. Become ill and then recovered as usual. However, It was an epilepsy, the disease that changes lives. Everything would be ordinary, if it was not for the treatment method which I call RANC(the Restoration of%%%). As it usually happens, I would be able to do nothing when he came with epileptologist assignments except to sypmpathize and prescribe something like hopantenic acid. I, like any neurologist, would not have anything to add to what has already been prescribed by a competent epileptologist. Now I will try to explain briefly the RANC theory and then will talk about what the results achieved in Vitaly case. By the way, the story has not finished, but I have no doubts in her successful outcome.
I nave not invented many things, the brain structure had been studied and described by the smartest scientists long before me. so I had no intention to study it further but I had it and that brought me practical results, that lie in the basis of my work.
Now I can help people with diseases that are considered as almost incurable and mysterious, such as epilepsy, which I decided to dedicate this article to.
I have already written how everything started in an article “about myself”, but I will tell once more. Perhaps, this time it will be clearer.
After the accident when I was at school, I started suffering back pain and frequent pain in the head. It lasted for a long time, more then 30 years, until the first injections to the shoulder blades was made. At that time I had severe headaches, pains in the neck, in addition there was also a pain between the ribs, near the right shoulder blade. I felt as if a foreign object, let say a nali, was between the ribs. Though I could reach with my left hand and over my right shoulder and get to the painful spot in the right scapula. I knew I could make injections in the areas of muscle spasm with a regular needle (similar to which is used in acupuncture), and injections of various drugs. Everyone must have heard that that divers have a needle in order to remove spasm with this needle. I took in 1 ml insulin syringe papaverine (no-spa) and my wife gave an injection to this terribly painful spot. The amount of the drug was very small, only 0.2 milliliters but there was a very strong bursting pain in the right shoulder, numbness, pins and needles in the right hand. It lasted for about a minute and when pain and numbness began to disappear, the pain in a head started being replaced by the amazing clarity, and the headache was gone along with the pain in ribs and numbness of the right hand.
I realized that I experienced something very special. Especially after many days of excruciating headache, which could not be helped with any pain killers, the incredible clarity came, as if there was no pain at all. I've never heard of anything like that. With all my knowledge I had for that moment I realized that the pain signal from the injection into the right trapezius muscle got the left hemisphere of the brain, the area responsible for a right hand sensitivity. This short pain lowered activity of the cortex cells for some time, that is why the hand numbness occured. It was difficult to explain it with any other phenomenon. And even more difficult to explain how the severe pain disappeared in the one moment.
When I opened a book of neurology, I quickly understood that the only way to get from the middle part of the trapezius muscle to the postcentral gyrus of the left brain hemisphere is through the accessory nerve (which controls trapezius muscle) and reticular formation.
Reticular formation (in Latin is “a mesh formation”) starts in the center of the brain, in the so-called brain stem, from where cells penetrate all parts of the brain, braiding like web. Another name for this global brain web is the "ascending activating system," because scientists have found out that it causes the brain activization when waking up and activity lowering when falling asleep.
Actually this is the least-studied system of the brain, which is so complex that despite the relative clarity of its anatomy, there are more questions about how it works than answers. So I could not think about or expect anything great , I just decided to see what happens if similar reactions happened in other people cases when affecting the reticular formation thruogh the trapezius muscles. Because the reticular formation unites and coordinates the work of all one hundred billion nerve brain cells and because of the close anatomical and functional link between its nuclei and the accessory nerve, we can affect the headaches (which is caused by failures in different divisions and systems of the brain). So what are other functions we can influence on?
To find it out I, at that time working as a doctor n the ambulance, just started pressing on the painful spots between my patients shoulder blades with my fingers. Fortunately almost every second patient complained about the pain between blades, which people traditionally call by a code name “osteochondrosis”. I can’t say I could cure everybody and everything and that people started dancing right away. Anyway, five times I could drug out of the unconscious state people with with brain blood circulation disorders. They were not faintings. I am telling that they were not comas on purpose, although you can say because there were all other signs of progressive inhibition of vital functions. I am not going to tell the details but I have accumulated a lot of examples. Though I can talk about anything I want bacause there are no responsiblities on the Internet. Anyway, I will be discussing these things as if I am talking to colleagues who can criticise me. With painful effect applyed to painful areas of trapezius muscle I could stop arrhythmia, nosebleeds, raise or lower the pressure, prevent heart attacks (confirmed by ECG), and many other symptoms, including a sudden recovery of the missing ear which I observed twice.
All in all, within the years of researching my assumption, that with this way you can have a powerful stimulating effect on the brain, has been fully confirmed. Moreover, I believe that the basis of this effect is in an inhibitory effect of pain impulses to the overexcited brain area. Reducing his abnormally increased activity after such an impact , they stop having an inhibitory effect on the other subordinate areas and systems, and the brain restores its work at the optimum level, which can be seen in the better state of health and the disappearance of various symptoms.
Of course, everything I am writhing about so easily now was carefully studied and I spent a lot of time and effort to analyze thousands of different cases. I want to be as brief as possible as possible and tell about how my suggested method can really help people with diseases that are traditionally considered as almost incurable. After all, it has to be proved. Otherwise nobody would ever believe me if I without even simple explanations will say, "Do injection in trapezius muscles, and you will be healed". It will be absolutely not serious, and I myself would never have believed in something if there is no theoretical justification and empirical evidence on real patients.
Epilepsy .... If it were not for my curiosity and my inclination to believe my eyes and not the standard truth, then I don’t think I would ever dare to work with this disease. According to my own, maybe someone will consider it as naive, reasoning it should not be assumed as an impregnable fortress. When I first had a patient with epilepsy and decided to apply my treatment method, I assumed that the current focus of excitation existed in the brain and can be "redeemed" by a powerful wave of impulses which was sent to the reticular formation from the trapezius muscles. At that time I just assumed, but today I am fully confident that spasm, painful areas on these muscles are developed in response to the occurrence of stagnant excitation centers in the brain.
I can’t say that I had hundreds of epilepsy cases. I just did not have many patients with this disease. However, every person I treated had noticeable improvements in the form of shortening or complete disappearance of seizures. And with Vitaly we did not meet by chance, he learned about me from another patient when he went to the electroencephalographic examination.
Vitaly, 27 years, before becomming ill he was working as a locomotive driver. Everything was fine, he bought an apartment on the mortgage, bought a new Mazda, had a wife, a daughter was three years old, the young, without bad habits, liked his job, as we say, live and be happy. Then the seizures started, three or five a day. He was fired. There werefamily problems because any disease changes lives, and especially such serious as epilepsy.
"Doctor, I'm ill, it happens so suddenly, one moment everything seems to be fine, I am doing something, and after another moment, and I " wake up" and can see frightened people around me, body aches, sometimes with blood stains, but I don’t remember what happened or where I am. I am worried because I am not told everything". Vitaly asked me on the first call, whether he can recover and return to his former life. At that time, as I said, he already had the necessary prescriptions from an epileptologist and was taking medicines, the attacks became less frequent, anyway they happened quite often and were, as doctors say “deployed” and after them he did not feel well.
We had a short course of 3 procedures at an interval of 2 weeks. As a result, the attacks almost stopped, and if attacks happened, they was easy and after them he quickly recovered. After that we did not see each other for more than six months. But once his mother called in tears and anxiously began telling that he went to Siberia to his wife and daughter and, because of the stress, he attacks resumed with renewed vigor and there were up to ten a day. When his father went after him and brought him home, they all came to me. Since they did not live in Krasnodar, but in the another city in the region and a trip to the clinic lasted few hours, I offered them to have the procedure in their own city and invite a nurse to make the injections. Although a father said that he could do them, so that was a deal.
Inspite of the powerful healing effect, the medical procedure is not difficult to perform. It just a series of ordinary intramuscular injections performed in a little bit different place. This fact is quite difficul to undertand. Such a terrible, serious disease that accompanies humanity for thousands of years can be treated by injections into the muscles between the shoulder blades? It looks like complete nonsense, because the "terrible disease will be cure only by very complicated treatment," but it is not so. The perfect example is aluminum. When the electrolysis had not been invented yet, it was one of the most rare and expensive metals. It happens allthe time a world of new technologies, then the unattainable becomes commonplace. This is usual. One month and a half ago, Vitaly mother called, and I did not recognized her voice, because it was usually an anxious voice but that time it was a cheerful one. She said that the father himself made five procedures, with an interval of 10 days and after that there were no attacks for three and a half months. I am very pleased with this news. The day before yesterday she called again and said that Vitaly suffered from two light and brief attacks after he took a job at a construction site, so he was working a lot and was nerveous.
I had hoped that his focus we "won" because there were no attacks for 5 months, but the news about renewed attacks did not bother me and we agreed to have a intensive course of six procedures with an interval between procedures only one week. And I guess that in the end we will succeed, as as it often happens with my other patients.
I would like to tell about another case of epilepsy. Yesterday I finished the third procedure for a patient who has kidney cancer, cachexia (extreme emaciation), and against this background epilepsy with frequent attacks developed . When we did the first procedure, he was in a tangled state of mind and had hallucinations. It seemed that there was nothing to treat, but 20 days after the procedure, he came to consciousness and attacks were much less frequent. After the second procedure, conducted in a month, the attacks stopped altogether. Yesterday we had the third procedure. In my practice I observed many case of miraculous recovery so I have a hope that in this case something even more positive can happen. Anyway, a person has already got rid of hallucinations and seizures, which did not allow him to eat and sleep.
In addition, I want to remind that I don’t have a lot of epilepsy cases, so I don’t have a reliable statistics. The same is about the trigeminal nerve involvement, I do not have hundreds requests for help, as the disease itself is not frequent. However, both diseases are functional disorders, and all the cases that I have encountered could be treated with the offered method. I suppose if the method uses on a large scale, it will confirm its high efficiency. Epilepsy is rather complex, so the number of procedures, intervals should be determined individually for every patient. But due to the fact that the procedures themselves are simple, then the problem is, in my opinion, is quite small.
Nobody denies that laboratory methods of examination are necessary for determining the treatment strategies. However, the situation today, in my opinion, is critical because of several reasons. The main idea is that modern technologies introduce more and more sophisticated and subtle methods of diagnosis but treatment strategies do not advance and remain at the same level as it was 100 years ago.
I work as a neurologist, and observe this sad situation from the inside. There are lots of queries on the Internet like "where to find a good neurologist", "find a good doctor," and something like this. And who is " a good neurologist?". Neuropathologist (as we used to say earlier), or neurologist, as they call the profession now. By definition, neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, and studies the mechanisms of diseases development, symptoms and possible diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
The definition of profession neurology implies that a neurologist should deal exclusively with "nerves." We are taught how how to deal these nerves. There are different standards of treatment for various diseases that a neurologist should know and apply. So why do so many people are looking for a good neurologist? How trained professionals become "bad"?
In my opinion, it's not about personal characteristics of doctors, the problem is that a theoretical approach to the disease occurence is wrong. Our body is unfairly divided into separate systems, which separate specialists deal with. But a neurologist has to deal with nervous system, as if it is not a nervous system that controls all the systems of the body and itself as well. I do not feel comfortable when I see madness which lasts in our medicine. Doctors, following the accepted standards, can do nothing and eventually fall into absolute pessimism about their capabilities becoming "bad” ones. Those who do not give up medicine are divided into two main categories. The "pessimists" - indifferent people with low salary, who lost interest in the profession due to the conviction of the impossibility to cure the patient. As a rule, you can find these doctors in public clinics and state hospitals. Another category is "optimists” who are also deeply convinced in the ineffectiveness of their knowledge, but believe that since the world is so imperfect, you should not be sad, you should use it. Such doctors are found predominantly in numerous private clinics.
The difference between these two categories of doctors is not big. If judge by the result of the treatment, it is only in the amount of funds spent on a treatment. While sick people are rushing around hoping to get rid of their disease and are looking for a "good doctor". I think the good doctor is primarily a doctor who can cure his patient from the illness. Positive results can not be achieved with the primitive theoretical approach that exists now. I reckon, nobody would argue with this statement because these is not and were not such results.
Competent and a good doctor, a neurologist in particular, must have the result of his work in a form of cured human. Of course, he must look like someone who people expect to see. That is attentive, kind, and generally pleasant in any way person. But it's all the same is not the main thing. The result is the most important matter.
The conclusion from the previous paragraphs is that in order to become a "good doctor", you need to stop using the proven as failures treatments, and use only those onese that are effective. This does not mean you need to find the "magic pill", it is unreal. We have to change the approach to the theory of diseases. Because illnesses, which consist of a set of symptoms, it is only a reflection of disorders happening in the nervous system. If we correct this fault in the brain, these symptoms and syndromes will disappear. But, of course, everything has to be done on time. Now this possibility exists and in future, I think, there will be plenty of surprises.
The most profitable path is to find efficient ways to influence on the brain that will lead to optimal performance of all its centers. Pharmacological medicines will never act so selectively, subtly and appropriately, as our brain. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry is evolving and will evolve, but it's a dead end, and the increase of diseases in all countries, in spite of the increase in the use of drugs, is confirmed.
The method of influence on the brain, which I call the RANC, allows to stop the accumulation of disorders in the central nervous system. This is a minimum ability. And in most cases, when standard therapy can not help, method RANC eliminates the cause of disease (disruption of normal activity of the nervous centers)and gives good results. I want to go back to the beginning of the article, where I was talking about the senseless studies. If the cause of the disease is unknown, standards for this treatment are written incorrectly, then it is natural that the research will have a little result. Here is an example. Herniated disc has its cause in excessively increased muscle tone in the spine area. There is no miracle in the fact that the muscle cells are controlled by strictly defined areas of the brain. If pain occurs, it is obvious that there may be a herniated disc. Well, if the muscle tone changes, today it will appear and tomorrow it will disappear. But since there is a common opinion like "ultimate truth", than the appearance of a disc herniation is a "punishment for upright walking", so the treatment is only surgical. So you are asked to do an MRI or CT scan, which confirmed that there is a hernia. Apart from this, even in a state clinic you will be offered to do a lot of tests, to pass EKG, which are generally irrelevant. And everything will be done without thinking, indifferently, because doctors know everything beforehand. And if you get into a private clinic, and not to a decent person, but to the optimist-cheater, who also knows everything, then you will have to pass additional examinations.
Everything will be different if we change an approach back pain treatment or leg pain treatment caused by disc herniation to a thoughtful one. Firstly, we have to find the most tense areas in the muscles along the spine and on the buttocks, and make injections with any medicine which can caused a brief but intense pain (I usually use a 5% solution of analgin). A complex mechanism of interactions between nerve centers triggers, which results in a change of muscle tone. If the procedure was technically right, the cause of the pain disappears. Normal tone, no hernia, no pain.
Why should we scare patients with the equipment or taken scans? Sometimes people got offended when I did not pay proper attention to the results of tomographic studies. I do not want to believe that surgical approach to spinal disk herniation was created by frauds and still can not get rid of this feeling. If we assume that it is not about money but about not being able to really understands how to properly treat the disease, then it is even sadder. Then we need to admit that the curriculum and standards are made by idiots.
And it happens everywhere. Patients do not get real help and look for a "good doctor", "soothsayer" who can treat, patient choose examinations that are offered by many different hospitals. The most interesting thing is not even in this situation, but in the fact that when somebody comes to me as a patient, and I offer him a different approach to treatment, it usually scares and a patient does not believe. "How is it possible, my disease is incurable!". Human psychology is a mysterious thing and traditional beliefs or prejudices are so strong that logical arguments do not work.
Thomas Edison said about this issue; "People are going to do everything to not to think". That is why they are going to Israel, Germany, Moscow, not realizing that everything is just the same, in fact, only the scenery is different, different prices, so the results differ slightly. And it happens not because doctors are "bad", but because we are not taught how to treat properly, that's all. Cumbersome, complex and expensive medicine today, in fact, vain. Of course, there are successes in some areas, but in general, results are deplorable, and you know it.
I understand very well people who are skeptical about my ideas, that it is enough to stimulate the central nervous system 2-3 times to cure a person from his illnesses. It looks too simple, even primitive compared to a range of complex and expensive techniques that have been developed up till now. It is difficult to get used to this, and I have spent years on it. But we have to get used to, because results RANC are certainly unusual, but they are real. These are not abstract ideas, there are live people who can tell their stories.
As for the fact that everything is unusually simple, I would like to answer the words of John Ive, a designer and a friend of Steve Jobs.
"Why do we believe that simplicity is good? Because dealing with (any) objects, it is important to feel that we control them. Ordering the chaos, you find a way to subdue the subject. Simplicity is not just a visual style. This is not minimalism or the absence of chaos. To achieve simplicity, it is necessary to dig a tunnel in the depths of complexity. To be truly simple, you need to get to the depth, focus on simplicity, cognize it, to understand what it is. To get rid of a minor, you need to get into the subject. "
In my opinion, it can not be said better. If we continue the analogy with the technological advances in the computer industry, we must admit that today's medicine like computers mid-20th century, which occupied entire rooms or even floors in the buildings, but it was slow and expensive. I think it is time to throw it all to the dump. Medical assistance should turn from continuous process into something similar to a modern service center, where mostly prevention is conducted. Got a software fault in the brain - a disease appears . Went through a diagnostics, eliminated prolems in the nervous system - cured people from the disease. This is not a fantasy, it's already working. This is method RANC. And time will show how to make it even more effective.
I didn't want to touch this subject but as we used to say "One good turn deserves another". That is why I will tell about my views on the issue of cancer. Firstly, I will tell how this group of diseases, which include malignant and benign tumors, is considered from RANC point of view. Then I will give examples.
I won't be talking about the oncology a lot since there are many standards of treatments, as well as in any other field, and various new approaches for those who seek for them. We shouldn't step in with our intentions, although they are good, to the field where they won't bring any significant use. However, the nervous system works according to universal laws and in this sense cancer isn't more "aristocratic" than any other diseases.
All video materials about the RANC method can be viewed at Youtube
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