02 2016
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

In this article I want to talk about their assumptions about the causes and processes that underlie the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy , autism, hyperactivity, lethargy , cerebral palsy , Parkinson's , the defeat of the trigeminal nerve , lesion of the sciatic nerve , angina, tics and many others who in my opinion have a common cause.

It just so happened that I was in the last three years had a lot to deal with patients having such diagnoses and not only those, but also much more commonplace and increasingly common. Despite the fact that the aforementioned diseases are considered to be either completely incurable or difficult to treat due to the alleged underlying organic changes, as well as genetic disorders, the results of their treatment method RANCThey compel me to accept these traditional views. Moreover, the results of neuroscience research over the last 25-30 years in the study of the features of the brain , both in Russia and abroad allow you to make certain theoretical conclusions are based not just on a purely speculative conclusions, but the results of instrumental and laboratory research.

I'll try not to turn this article into an incomprehensible to the layman "dry scientific work", so I will not often refer to the country, years and names mentioned developments. The goal of the article to give to as many ordinary people the information that they put the diagnosis is not hopeless. A colleague who might be interested in more details can always find them on the Internet, the main thing to know in which direction to look. In addition, we have some of my observations and analogues, which I have not found on the network.

Topic is too extensive, so dwell yet on just a few issues that are of direct relevance to their practical use in the treatment of the diseases mentioned at the beginning of the article.

It is known that a person is born with the number of nerve cells (neurons), which is approximately a hundred billion, and in the course of the life of the number of neurons does not increase, but rather a decrease. It is believed that the number of neurons decreases by 25-30 in 70 years. These one hundred billion, which we later will use (or will not) and make up our minds, however, are well aware that our body and brain will still grow and mature. In women, this maturation occurs approximately to 19 years in men (estimates vary) to 25-30. It's no secret, especially for young mothers and teachers that boys mature more slowly and last longer. Perhaps this factor plays a role in a significant number of divorces where the wedding take place between the 20 year old. She already mature woman, and he is still "a child", and that there is a misunderstanding, it is not even considering the fact that men and women differently arranged genetically, but also think in different hemispheres of the brain. Women think right brain ( intuition ), and the men left ( logic ). Oh, and in women the links between the brain hemispheres is 4 times more than men, so we can say that women think of the entire head, and the two halves of the men in turn. But, it's just the way of brain asymmetry is another article, because there is something to say, and now let's get back to the topic.

So, if the number of neurons will not grow, then, what is the same will be a "maturation", besides increasing the mass of the brain, which will only grow, too, for a while, and to a certain limit. In women, the average brain weighs about 1300 grams, and the men's 100-150 grams more, but this is an average and depends mainly on the difference in body weight, and how has long been known intelligence of the mass of the brain is not directly dependent. A brain maturation will be to increase the connections between neurons. Please pay attention to this point, because, as you will understand when (or if) finish reading this article, this fact is of direct relevance to the success of the treatment, both your and your loved ones .

One brain cell (neuron) can have with other neurons in different parts of the brain to 10,000 connections (and neurons, as you remember 100 billion), because, here, the cerebral maturation will come at the expense of increasing the number of these new interneuron connections . The more they produced, the more powerful will be the brain, due to the fact that all the organs of our body functions and is including it controls brain, and our health will be stronger, and the quality and duration of life better and longer. Here, just be sure to say that, as explained the process of maturation is not passive. For three years in a person's life comes the so-called period of excessive formation of synapses (connections, contacts) between neurons. If a person will use the brain perceiving as much information from the external environment, the number of synapses will increase if the same will not be used in front of the potential provided by our nature, the synapses will progressively deteriorate and as a result we remain with only the minimum, which is programmed in the genes. That is, we will be able to eat, drink, breathe, reproduce, but no more than, say, and even walk on two feet can not, not to mention the fact, to read, write, or drive a car. It is the lack of training and the destruction of synapses and explains the phenomenon of Mowgli, when the child is brought up animals, falling later in the human environment has become a man not because "the train has already left." On the other hand chimpanzees who have been targeted education (note education rather than training) may develop up to 400 words in sign language to understand and communicate with people (of course with the limitations caused by genetic factors).

To sum up the intermediate and take for the cause of diseases and a new method of treatment.

By nature we are given a certain genetic brain device with minimal but sufficient for primitive life "set of options," but at the same time is provided and the strong potential for learning and development, which consists in an excessive amount of unused interneuron connections (to three years of life). Using it on time and using every opportunity to learn throughout life, we are able to maintain your brain health and strength sufficient to overcome various environmental factors. The learning process has multiple meaningful (creative) repeating any actions and it does not matter whether you are learning to knit, play the organ, make music, or to fish. The more often you repeat your exercises and the more difficult the task becomes, the harder and harder it becomes your brain by increasing the number of synapses between neurons . Only then there should be considered a downside. The fact that the brain is small (2-3 by weight), but it is very energy-intensive organ of our body and when you are at rest, lying in bed with his eyes closed, not thinking about anything alarming, the brain "burn" glucose and 20 the oxygen consumed by the body at this time. If you start of something hard to believe that "fuel" consumption increases to 30, and people intuitively try to think as little as possible because the physical discomfort experienced by mental activity. Incidentally American inventor Thomas Edison at the time said, referring to his laboratory, " People are going to do anything to not think ." And the result is a paradox, on the one hand do not think is very bad, and the other lot to think unpleasant and even dangerous, because it threatens to nervous exhaustion, when loss of appetite, sleep, there is a headache , pressure increases, and the effects of stress lead to malfunction brain, manifested in excessive and persistent increase in the activity of one of its departments, which in turn begin to oppress those parts of the brain that are associated with them and are in a subordinate position. But this is the cause of all diseases, when the various nerve centers lose control beyond their control functions of organs and body systems.

Where is the exit you ask where I'm going? And anyway, why in the beginning I joined one group of diseases that are considered incurable and classical concepts have different reasons? There is a solution, but first I want to say about the reasons.

Applying Russian RANC method of treatment ( reduction of active nerve centers ) for the treatment of Parkinsonism and lesions of the trigeminal nerve (like the example of these diseases express the idea) and receiving positive results I suspected what was going on, and for a long time did not let go the feeling that the answer is somewhere nearby, but he still did not come. The fact that the process of learning useful skills is to form numerous and strong connections between neurons, I knew more of the institute. The fact that there are genetically determined interneuron communication to ensure optimal functioning of all organs of the body, I also knew. All goes to the trillions of unconditioned reflexes, allowing the heart to beat without our participation, puppy swim, cat walk on the fence and hear the stomping mouse, and our liver and spleen work well without our awareness. One day two years ago as a result of observation of the strange and illogical cases of recovery of patients from "incurable" diseases that are often purchased immediately after suffering severe stress (death of a loved one, dismissal from work, car accident ported surgery, childbirth), I thought, why diseases occur and not due to the formation of new connections between neurons in those parts of the brain , where these harmful reflex arcs are not provided? I even published an article on the website " The theory of pathological conditioned reflex ." This theory answers many questions, in particular those why Parkinsonism , defeat the trigeminal nerve , epilepsy , yes, indeed, any other can and should be regarded as having the same cause, as well as to the why they are treated with a single method, but only one after 1-3 treatment sessions conducted consecutive daily ( trigeminal nerve ), and Parkinson's disease for 6-18 carried out at intervals of a month. The answer in my opinion is that the epileptic focus has a very small area, as well as the focus of excitation in the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve, so the "wave" pulse sent through the accessory nerve in the reticular formation of the easy "extinguishes" pockets of excess abnormal activity of bursting Minorities reflex arcs arising during times of stress, as a defense mechanism. Parkinsonism significant number of sessions needed for recovery and for a long time due to no lack of dopamine, and numerous pathological reflex arcs that "entwine" like cobwebs all parts of the brain, so the cleaning of the waste takes more time. Yes, about how not to get caught in the crossfire. It is no coincidence session in schools lasts no more than two weeks, it has long been calculated that more prolonged stress leads to nervous exhaustion. Let my advice will not seem something absolutely unusual, but given the extraordinary power consumption of the brain is necessary to try to restrain myself from loads that exceed your ability, if you feel it, otherwise such jerks forward necessarily a bad run out and the time we save today trying to work in two times more consuming coffee will be selected the day after tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, because tomorrow after work will not be able to sleep and appearing the next day at work, we will lose this "handicap", which earned 2 days and the results will find ourselves not on the two days ahead, and for four days behind what would be achieved moving forward quietly, and not trying to "jump out of his pants." And because the brain feeds on glucose better than any sweet tooth, do not morite his hunger. Take several times a day smoke breaks, and breaks out to drink rather weak, but the sweet tea. If diabetes are afraid, you buy a regular meter and then you can adjust your work "on the device" if we so chose. And be sure to eat at least a little for chut and through force. The general recommendations are not God knows what, but it is important. Yes, here's colleagues, who use RANC method in their own clinics widely, it is obligatory after marking iodine back, fold the cotton sticks and discs impregnated with iodine in a hermetically sealed container . Not yet figured out what kind of intoxication give iodine vapor, went on procedural and 4 hours began to stagger and so was the year. Then turns yellow ceiling moldings furniture and white shoes, then just took on the mind and ventilation. In my opinion the iodine is unwise to leave, because in all the years did not have abscesses patients simply tedious to observe safety precautions. And the rest RANC method solves all the problems than I like him . A man comes to pain, and leaves no pain.

Have you ever thought about the "mosaic" of symptoms in Parkinson's? How can we explain that some patients stiffness of one hand, the other two do not go in the third leg and arm work, the body of the fourth half shackled, at the fifth tremor, without constraint, and in the sixth and the tremors and stiffness, in the tenth their option. In my opinion nothing but it can not be explained except as involvement in the formation of pathological reflex arcs in different parts of the brain . The steady progression of the disease and the different rates of development also explains the different speed and volume of the formation in the brain of pathological synaptic contacts .

There are at least two, not even three arguments against neurodegenerative nature of this disease. Without denying that neurodegeneration structures that produce dopamine and related disorders, there is, I still want to say that the same cases are very few and the total number of cases, these patients account for about 5-10 percent, and today's existing instrumental methods of diagnosis are quite capable of separating them from the bulk of who is a disease should be considered a significant functional disorder.

Now, these three arguments against the theory of neurodegeneration.
1 With neuronal death substantia nigra, which produce dopamine would be an effective replacement therapy, such as, for example, it is effective for type 1 diabetes when the dead man with islets of Langerhans chosen adequate dose of insulin, diet and the problem solved. Parkinsonism (on my observations) inefficiency antiparkinsonian drugs reaches 40.
2 When true neurodegeneration diagnostic apparatus to record such organic changes quite gradually, but this often does not occur. Unfortunately, such a diagnosis is most often made clinically because of the existing tradition, as well as a lack in our country equipment and specialists who are able to work for them, so difficult to deduce the exact statistics, but we can assume that it will coincide with the figures given above 5-10 .
3 And the third. When neurodegeneration would not be patients who recover "that killed then killed" after the stroke, the death of brain areas is not accompanied by the restoration of the functions once they manage and dreams to the neighboring nerve centers take to the functions of the affected yet unfortunately, remain dreams. A parkinsonian we can observe the recovery of patients, and some of the rollers with their feedback we can see in this article. They are certainly more, but not everyone likes such fame and often do not agree to star in the video.

Despite representing the correctness of the conclusions I have two years did not leave the question I am often asked and asked. People ask not whether harm suffered brain after tampering with this method? I always say that there is absolutely no danger , because currently this method was tested 14 years, as well as relatives, their own children and other people who were looking for help. I just suggested a somewhat different theoretical approach to this sort of paravertebral blockades , which have long been known and even proposed to expand the scope of their application to a wide range of diseases. But only recently came to me as I think otgadka this old question. "Why, positive skills acquired over a long period of time saved and the diseases occurring in spite of ourselves, often very quickly and with my hypothesis of the same mechanism of disappearing from the effects of the method RANC?"

The thing is that the material substrate intentionally acquired useful skills are powerful and numerous interneuron communication, destroy who used method is not capable. Weaknesses and comparatively few pathological reflex arc by the brain independently in response to adverse external influences, on the other hand successfully destroyed them powerful flow of electrochemical reactions of the reticular formation.

Thank you for your attention to friends. Maybe in the future I have something change my mind, or someone you offer another explanation for what is happening in the brain processes will be glad to hear. But the essence of the effects resulting from the use of this method of treatment does not change. RUSSIAN RANC method has been working for seventeen years and is unlikely to become ineffective in the future.

Neurology, treatment method RANC, Andrey Aleksandrovich Ponomarenko