01 2017
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Hello, my dear readers. Accidentally came to the site Clinics "Phoenix" from Rostov-on-Don, where used RANC method . Wonderful publication, but, in my opinion, by placing well-written article, site owners Clinics "Phoenix" made some mistakes, not referring to my website and on the authorship of the method. I believe that this was done unintentionally, but in order to add "weight" has not sufficiently known, but extremely effective, and is actively gaining popularity, the method of treatment given the small size of my clinics in Krasnodar . I would certainly not do it, because this treatment himself a "letter of recommendation". Therefore, I think that the reference to him as "one of the latest treatments for Parkinson's disease (which // approx. // author) became RANC method developed in Russia and used in the city of Krasnodar." It is not entirely justified. Similar mistakes were assumed by me, so I do not take such action with a sense of "uschemlonnogo dignity." The main advantage of such publications, I think quoting the name of the method, which is already well accustomed, readily accepted and easily recognizable. On the contrary, I am pleased to know that it is physiologically reasonable name that I gave a new method of therapeutic effects, it has become a brand.

The authors of these publications for its vigorous actions contribute to the spread RANC method and in my opinion this should be encouraged. RANC method developed in order to make effective medical care becomes publicly available through the efforts of like-minded followers and truly popular, and that is especially nice to me personally that he has come out of my homeland - Russia, which has always been rich in original ideas. Personal popularity me is not that is not interested in, but it is worth is not in first place in my plans. Therefore, I feel a sense of gratitude to the people to appreciate the results of years of work, the result of which was the Russian method RANC treatment.

Below I present the text of the publication of the method RANC site clinics "Phoenix" and the link to this site. Friends, I want to ask those who also uses, or simply unfamiliar with this method of treatment to leave your comments on this article. Parkinson's Treatment by RANC . Every year, the diagnosis of "Parkinson's disease" is put more and more people. But in our time - it is not a sentence, progress in the field of medicine allows us to deal with a similar disease, prolonging the life of patients, while increasing its quality.

What is the method RANC?

One of the newest methods of treating Parkinson's disease became RANC method developed in Russia and used in the city of Krasnodar. The method is to assume that if the brain will be affected by stress factors, any of the parts of the brain will be able to switch and change its activity. In addition, RANC method involves stimulation of the reticular formation by additional nerves.

The main objective in the treatment of Parkinson's disease by RANC is the restoration of the nerve centers, but the success of the procedure depends on how badly affected areas of the brain that are responsible for the secretion of dopamine.

How does RANC method?

Treatment of Parkinson RANC method based on stimulation of the reticular formation (brain region responsible for the operation of all neurons) through pain flows directed through the trapezius muscle.

RANC foundation method is considered to be a common link between the structure and function of the kernel 11 cranial nerve (extension), reticular substance and brainstem. Through this relationship, the slightest malfunction think tank appear countdown to the trapezius muscle in the form of pain, but when polisinapticheskie reflex arcs are closed, the flow of impulses from the trapezius muscle will be redirected to the point in which they are sent.

It is this method of brain stimulation has become a worthy replacement of inefficient methods of treating Parkinson's, such as acupuncture and pharmacotherapy. Only when significant brain damage and the organism as a whole, this method may be less encouraging.

The main objectives of the treatment of Parkinson's by RANC primary and paramount RANC method is to remove the causes of disease, and as a result, all of her symptoms and manifestations.

RANC method is based on the following assumptions:

The slightest deviation in the body and its components are directly connected with the failure of the nerve centers, which are responsible for a particular section of the body. Restoration of normal nerve centers of active work may stimulate them with the help of strong pain impulses aimed at specific areas of muscle. It is known that the trapezius muscles are innervated by nerve extension that is anatomically connected with the brain stem. Due to this, trapezius muscles are strategically important parts of the body, as they pain reflected the relevant departments and centers of the brain functioning in a state of increased activity. Excessive activity of one of the centers of the brain is the opposite impact on other neighboring centers, it causes various failures in the whole body, implying the presence of pain and sickness. If trapezius muscle subjected to short pain stimuli, e.g., by means of a disease drug, it would transmit a stream of pulses that are passing through the accessory nerve, are directly sent to the brain, then they will be passed on the reticular formation of the core, and hence achieved that portion, who works in the mode of overstimulation. With this momentum, think tanks can regulate its activity. This process is called the method The Restoration Of The Activity Of Nerve Centers, aka RANC method.

Thus, treatment of Parkinson RANC method enables us to considerably reduce the number of common diseases and reduce the number of disability for the main groups. The introduction of this method of treatment can significantly increase the life expectancy, the RANC method can improve the quality of life of patients.

Medical Treatment and Research Center "Phoenix"

RANC injection treatment of Parkinson's disease