09 2016
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Strange as if unexplained changes in the bodies of men after they pass the guidance treatment of Russian methods RANC , really do not have any "miraculous" nature.

One of the most concise and in my opinion the most accurate and at the same time modest definitions of such concepts as "Miracle" is: "It is extremely unlikely event." Therefore, if any events occur regularly, have their strictly certain patterns may be repeated in any place and at any time of an arbitrarily large number of times, it's not a miracle, but one of the laws of nature.

Do not rush to postpone reading the article, I also do not like nonsense to do, just in some cases, in order to understand a simple idea can not avoid a certain mental strain. And, what RANC method many long viewed with suspicion and misunderstanding, and if we strengthen the terms, then, in a positive sense, as a "miracle", but in a negative at all a fraud. No, neither one nor the other method RANC is not. Miraculously, it is not for the reasons that I just wrote that. About a miracle as "an extremely unlikely event" in relation to the results of the treatment method RANC, can be said to people who had never seen anything like it, so their surprise and skepticism they are forgivable.

Hundreds of doctors practicing this method of treatment to him as a miracle does not apply, because it is completely physiologically justified and "works" for more than 16 years. Under the definition of fraud, what I rarely try to blame the Internet, this method of treatment and does not fit. Because fraud this- theft of another's property or the acquisition of the rights to another's property by deception or abuse of trust. A person engaged in it, is called a crook or swindler. This was even talk nasty.

I'd better tell you about the charity and cooperation, for which the site has been created « RANC Association ", which can be registered free of charge doctors practicing Russian RANC method , to be able to help people in their regions, towns and villages. Where there signs of fraud, I do not see. On the contrary, for people to create a free resource information platform, which for us, the creators of «RANC Association" as you know, is not free. Well, here, finally completed the necessary preface, and now to the facts of which I want to tell you, and who gave such strange at first glance, the title of this article.

Let's start with the second part of the title of the article: "The Metamorphosis."

After spending a healing session by RANC we include in the brain process that can be compared to a computer function as a "system restore." In the computer, this function is to throw out the malicious files have got in for the last time and return it to its previous working state. The processes occurring in the brain after a treatment session on the results obtained are very similar to the results obtained by computer. Actually that's why I called this method "Restoring the activity of nerve centers» of The Restoration Of the Activity Of Nerve Centers ( RANC ). In the brain, and consequently in the body as a whole is undergoing global changes. Change in brain activity toward the stabilization of the nerve centers at the optimal level leads to the restoration of normal regulation of all organs and body systems. Since positive changes in the hormonal system leads to the fact that people are overweight lose weight coming to its physiological norm, and not only I have such "unexpected" results. It is noted by other experts, practitioners RANC method. In particular Inna Valentinovna Knyazeva from Voronezh notes the same effect, and moreover, it is often treated patients with the purpose to get rid of excess weight, and their reviews it is in our example captures video. Unfortunately, not always possible to agree with the patient so that he described his "achievements" of the camera, but there are people who agree. I have three videos recorded with the patient, "set a record", she was treated for Parkinson's disease and its slight increase at the beginning of the treatment had a weight of 120 kilograms. Now, after three years of its weight corresponds to its normal state and is 53 kilograms. It does not set itself the task to lose weight, do not use diet, but just led a normal life. On the other hand, people with a lack of weight gain missing kilos to their physiological limits.

But such metamorphoses are not the only "unexpected" changes that occur in the hormonal system. Repeatedly we have received information about the occurrence of pregnancy in women who have for several years can not get pregnant. Especially topics of obesity and infertility, I do not, therefore, does not seem to make reliable statistics with a small amount of data possible, and the purpose, I imagine this is not my. The task I see to determine the direction of further research and the basic laws of the processes occurring in the body.

What else surprised me the first time 9 more years ago, a " rejuvenating effect ", when I met people a year or two ago, treated me by RANC, I have seen how they have changed appearance, they mean getting a few years younger or after 7-8 years, as it did not age. It's not a miracle, and I quickly got used to it, because everything is logical. One disease does not paint when we relieve man from his problems, normalizes all types of metabolism, respectively, it is reflected in appearance. By the metamorphosis can certainly be attributed, and a change in posture, but due to the fact that it occurs all the time, do not consider it necessary to be surprised.

Admirable, I think the effect of which I have repeatedly observed, and I made the title of the article:. "My Life Movie" From this name breathes romance, but I invented it, these words said to me one of the patients, when describing his feelings came a month after the first session to the second RANC. It is not the first one who told me about a similar effect, but the first who was able to so vividly and accurately describe it. Not only that, she picked up the words from which emanates something magical, but it struck me that it in their own words, beautiful and romantic without even knowing it formulated the essence of the processes occurring in the body, which I have called the dry RANC. I can not say that it is impractical poet, on the contrary, it is a sensible man, an intellectual, all the more surprising to hear from her words that she described their feelings. Young, beautiful woman of forty, at the first session addressed with pain in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine, which radiate (transferred) to the lower part of the abdomen. I fulfilled her treatment session RANC, and when it is little more than a month later came the second treatment session she told me about the "Cinema". I asked her about what changes have taken place in her state of health. She said that now it is practically nothing to be concerned, except for mild stiffness in the lower back and pain in the stomach do not give. But, he says, " For 20 days in the body, especially in the stomach was a strange pain. They were not such that I turned to you and they change all the time, then growing stronger or weaker. About 10 years ago I had an operation on gynecology, and so it was the same pain, I remember them. I had the impression that my life as a film strip is unwound back and I went through the pain that once I had. When this film rewind I was like in the time before the disease. And now I just want to fix the result, because the back does not hurt almost, in principle, and in the abdomen completely no problem . "

RANC produces in the body changes that return "of our lives Cinema" at a time when the disease was not, so the appearance is changing, acquiring former appearance, which was a man years ago. But I do not want to build yourself some sort of magician, also do not want to have believed dreamer, simply, what had previously been considered absolutely impossible now becomes available. And in this article, a few facts I wanted to show how much more the new waiting for us ahead.

Sincerely, neurologist Andrey Aleksandrovich Ponomarenko