07 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Does RANC method mislead us?I came across this article by chance. However, maybe it is no coincidence, because all of us keep track of information about any news in the Internet. I know that this method is infallible, but there are people who think quite differently about it. I have already definded them, they are people who haven’t used this method. Everyone has its own reasons, for someone rely on standarts is more close to their experience, others even don’t have anything concrete, but in my opinion, people who don’t practise it criticize this treatment. This method “is given a sound scolding” in the article below, but you should pay attention that it only deal with pain and medicine.

It’s good if the author is right, we thank him a lot for good preparation, but what will he say concerning water injection? Water isn’t a medicine. When we worked in Vilnius, we couldn’t use analgin (for the effect enhancement), because it was forbidden in European Union, so we used water injection. I think it has a sense, because it can do a lot of harm due to thoughtless and frequent using by sick people. In our case, this method includs the smalest solution concentration and infrequent treatments. We should discuss more important questions. What will the respected author answer concerning using water injection in treatment of epilepsy, parkinson's disease, stammer, stenocardia, headache, trigeminus affection, and phantom-limbs? To my opinion, he didn?t undestand the essence of the method, you may have another point of view.

I believe that it will be very important to discuss this article at our website.

I have some thoughts for those who used RANC method. Please, write down your comments.

I suppose author will appreciate it.

You may read this article here: "RANC method is a misleading approach in neurology".