05 2012
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Treatment approach that I developed is more effective than those we were and still taught. There is nothing extraordinary and many people use intuitively in one form or another and can't give explanations to received effects or give not scientific explanations. What is special about my experience? The thing is I applied thousand of times this treatment approach to different diseases for 13 years. That made it possible to define its main features and principles to treat diseases with the best result.

It is difficult to explain in a short and understandable form principles of nervous system and organism work, so I chose question-answer form to make it more convenient.

1. How is this treatment approach called and what is the main point?

The approach of influence on a nervous system in order to restore its regular functioning I suggest to call RANC - The RESTORATION of the ACTIVITY of NERVE CENTERS. The thing is that the brain consist of about 100 billions neurons are located in the brain surface(cortex) and depth(subcortex cores). Every cell can have up to 10 thousand connections with other cells. So-called reticular formation connect and put in order brain work. Reticular formation is a compact cells cluster located in brainstem. Brain stem is a central part of the brain where vital centers are situated and conductive pathways which transmit information from cerebral cortex to the body. Atop the brain stem there are hemispheres of the brain. Brain stem is full of reticular formation cores. Nerve cells located in core of the brain stem penetrate all brain divisions in a form of a network. Via this network information is exchanged and work coordination of brain divisions happens. The reticular formation receives all the signals from the outside and inside of the organism and after the analysis route them between brain divisions which are in charge of giving a feedback to this stimuli.

Dysfunctions in brain work in a form of failure in its divisions and regulatory systems cooperation appear in different disorders in a body, that is usually called diseases. The reticular formation being a part of the brain can't also avoid dysfunctions in its work and that is probably the cause of inability to self-recover after such dysfunctions. However, it is possible to stimulate the reticular formation(and via reticular formation stimulate cerebral cortex and subcortex) that can lead to restoration of disordered functions.

That is the point of the suggested treatment approach: have strong influence on reticular formation cores, through the reticular formation influence on cerebral cortex and subcortex centers in order to optimize their functioning. Powerful influence on reticular formation can be done through trapezius muscle, especially through middle part. Perhaps, it is the only part of the body from where we have direct access to brain stem cores. Probably it can be expained by tight anatomical connection between an accessory nerve located over a large area in a stem and reticular formation cores located in the same place. It is noticed that when any disease occurs, trapezius muscle experience spasm in different areas. And intense painful stimulus applied to spasm result in elimination of many symptoms. This fact allows to suggest that trapezius muscle is like a topography map of the brain where painful areas match brain divisions that have one or the other dysfunctions.

Summarizing can be done in a few short thesises.

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko