04 2015
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Trying to get rid of his pain, I have found a method of treatment, which has no analogues in the world. At first glance, it may seem crazy, but it brings real results. No magic things we do not, just, normal physiology. Listening to the (then it was called the "Medical Institute of" Red Army "and now called" Kuban State Medical University "), lecture by Professor Pokrovskiy Vladimir Mikhailovich on the activity of the heart, I was struck by the represented theory.

We were taught that the heart has its "automatism", I mean it (the heart) is working, as it were, on "autopilot", itself knows when the rhythm accelerate and when to slow down. Me, it always struck from the heart (the organ rather primitive) "knows" how to work it?
It is absolutely illogical. The human heart has not analyzed the structures and functions to obey them, it is like a pump, which pumps blood from the "one bank to another." The heart, of course, has its "automatism" and that every schoolboy knows, but the idea of Professor Pokrovsky, Vladimir Mikhailovich , who spoke about the central regulation of the heart rhythm I was just fascinated. We showed the heart of a pig, but I did not think about the pigs. The enormity of this human ideas struck my imagination. At his lectures, he told us about their experiences and related conjectures. He argued that the rhythm of the human heart is set not from himself but from the brain . I remember it well, because it was from one to remember.
Comparing his theory with the theory of Academician Peter Kuzmich Anokhin , I found a clear correspondence between them. Anohin P. K. in his " Theory of functional systems " (1936) which is now the basis of cybernetics, said that the basis of analyzing systems are the nerve centers of the brain. Themselves organs of the body are unable to perform analytical functions. Take it upon themselves nerve centers of the brain , which include tens of millions of neurons. In this article I will not comment on the dispute with Niels Bohr, Albertom Eynshteynom , in spite of my deep respect for these people. Just want to say that our world is arranged, it is not as easy as people think ordinary people.

It is clear that this topic is not easy to uncover. How to get rid of the pain and be able to experience more of her not, without falling into the situations that provoke the brain processes, which are a reflection of the violation in the organs and systems of our body? And what then, what to do next, after I got rid of my suffering?
It's the most popular question asked to me, who I have treated. " Well, okay, I recovered, and then what? ". But, in fact, what then? So if managed to get into an unenviable situation, fall ill and pass ahead of time in two inches from death, and not to run with it, then the question suggests itself. And suddenly, it happens again and the meeting did take place? It certainly takes place, but it is important that it took place in time, and not at random, because there is a sense in this life, that's just not seen it once, at least, to me it is not yet available in its entirety, but the feeling of it close presence does not let go.

I do not know yet whether this article is published, but something pushes her to write. Do "injections in the back" and can teach a monkey and some effect is certainly, but not one that is expected. So there is something else that makes this medical procedure special. And, what is it? I am trying to find the answer, but so far I have not found in any case not formulated so that it is simple and straightforward. I know only one thing, the well-known word LOVE!
Man, who do not like becoming a proud and aggressive. Yes, these people are making outstanding achievements in the social sphere, such as if to compensate for their inferiority. To name a few names? Yuliy Tsezar (raised by his mother and father abandoned), Aleksandr Makedonsky (raised by her mother and father abandoned), and there are examples closer now call. Do you have an iPhone? Steve Jobs's parents threw, and he was raised by relatives are not Mom and Dad (Professor), and simple American workers and the wife of his emigrant from Armenia. Now, the company Steve Jobs is the most successful in the world, but if he was happy? Based on published data, it is difficult to call a happy life, despite his efforts made to ensure that it was so. You can certainly continue, it is possible, but I will not because it is not a random situation, but quite natural. Even a subconscious feeling of "dislike" has serious consequences, therefore, the path that leads to true healing, it's a way of finding love. There is nothing new in my words, all this has long been known, and in the Gospel it is written about it, just in relation to the causes of disease and medicine, this truth somehow not seriously taken.
What's next? I like go away from the topic, but it is only at first glance, in fact, I'm trying to find the words that we have to approach the truth, would have succeeded only.
My patient from Astrakhan, I will not call him, he will understand what I'm talking about him, he said to me once that I was too openly express. So how should it be? How to bring people to their ideas, when it comes to lack of candor? Not so easy to get, and we will stay where we are, that is, almost in Hell, or specifically in Hell, and I do not like in Hell. The word Hell write with a capital letter is not out of respect for this place, but the greatness of the evil that it brings.

Farther? Just to live a normal life, so what previously lived, just try to do less harm. Not saying that it does not do, not because they do not want it, but because it simply will not work well for our short life we just physically do not have time to gain wisdom, not to make mistakes. Only seemingly I began to understand something, and you're already a grandfather, or grandmother, and it's time to get used to the ground. Not always our desire to meet our opportunities, especially in such difficult issues we are talking about today. Therefore, we have the right (in my opinion) to forgive yourself time to be able to understand them.
Messy lay out, but I hope you understand me, my friends. After all the pain, by and large it's just a reflection of the mistakes made by either ourselves or injustices committed against us by others, even though it was intentionally or by mistake.

And where does the "Meeting Shtirlitsa with his wife in a cafe" Elephant ""? Of course, by medical standards, this episode beloved film has absolutely no relationship, but the topic of the article he has to do the most direct. The fact is that in an emergency we are able to mobilize existing and under such circumstances in a strange way not only to survive, but do not get sick. Scout, surrounded by enemies, and not sure that will remain alive after the capture of Berlin by our troops, and his wife, not having virtually no hope for the opportunity to be reunited with her husband, family. In addition, this touching episode is accompanied by a wonderful, soulful music, known to every song.
And, on the other hand, today we are so relaxed that we can afford the bittersweet experience of beings about the little things, such as forgetting a cell phone fall into the horror at the thought that now "water is not sanctified without us" world. By the way, in my opinion, in spite of the benefits of this device does not harm less from him. When he was with us in a purse or pocket, we think, what if today would call this bad man and would destroy all my plans. If this "parasite", inhabitant of pockets and handbags barsetok shut down, the situation becomes even scarier. "What if the person who can give me a problem called, but I did not hear and did not take measures, or not taken? ". In general, the terrible thing is the clock source of stress, and this is not taking into account the radiation that it takes us around the clock "bestowed". I think that speaking of love is necessary to involve not only the love of his neighbor (which should be definitely), but also to yourself, because if a person is unable to manifest love, then it is absolutely and applies not only to others but to yourself itself, leading to tragic consequences. However, "off-scale" is not worth it, forgetting that we live in the world, it is not very friendly to the tender which can easily be taken for weakness and punished quite severely.

You can get a heart attack from the experiences that you are "insulted" in the queue at the checkout supermarket, or noticed scratches on the bumper of your Mercedes, which left only just received the girl right to "Matiz", riding home in tears from the fact that the "bug" her once again squeezed and ran away with the "crime scene". Yes, there is far to go. Behold, I lay out technical and confusing thoughts seem to me important, and the-what? Stress does not mean beating your head against the wall over the failures have befallen you, who have been, are and will always be. Stress can not feel, however, that does not mean that the consequences of it, you do not overtake. You can have a lot of small events in our opinion, will lead to real trouble. For example, last week in our clinic was not unpleasant and malicious people, but watching the people and patients suffering myself unwittingly got back pain and leg, which prevented me to work today. One happy that I know for sure that the receiving of medical procedures on the Russian method of treatment RANC can after the weekend to go to work without pain. This is good, because they can think of me, my patients if I limp himself and at the same time promise to deliver them from the pain? I think that any good, because people have a strange belief that doctors do not get sick. It is of course logical assumption, as if I were arriving in auto repair, car mechanic who came to see the bus, because his car broke down. What did he do with my car? K Automotive Service attributed this is unrealistic, but with today's medicine is quite correlated. One of my patients told me; "Strange to say, you will come to the clinic, and then, an endocrinologist diabetes and obesity, lame surgeon and optometrist glasses. How then should I feel? "So I think that the doctor should be a good example of the success of their profession, but do not be very strict to us, because we are human beings and sometimes get sick and die on statistics for 5-7 years before our patients.

Neurology, treatment method RANC, Andrey Aleksandrovich Ponomarenko