06 2013
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Ten years ago I did not know yet why people are dying on the cross. I knew that in ancient times there was such an execution, and that Jesus Christ was executed in that way. They hammered nails into his hands and feet, he was sufferig from it and then he died. Also different slaves were executed, who were crucified after the revolt of Spartacus, whom I was taught about the history. And somehow I do not really care why they died there, for example, if any person got nails in the hands and feet, well, of course he will die. I was thinking so and I was really surprised when in a radio program I accidentally heard what actually happened.

It turned out that the German fascists in their concentration camps among other things were figuring out why people were dying on the crosses. In that programme it was't mentioned why they were interested in this subject, but I was not even surprised. Everybody knows that the Germans in our opinion people are pretty weird and absurdly accurate, they make "Mercedes" are doing and once they have decided to find out something, then none of us would doubt that they will actually find it out. They really did. With German thoroughness they remodeled every detail, even the nails were produced forged, tetrahedral, and diligently hammered them in different places and toes of their unfortunate victims for some reason they all understood. It turns out that executions by crucifixion was extremely sophisticated and brutal, because people did not die from blood loss, they didn't hung on the cross, on the contrary, they worked. The fact is that the nails were hammered them not into the wrist but under the palm between the radius and ulna bones, a large nail as well pierced both legs putting one on the top of another, and there was a plate under the feet - staged backup. And the man was nailed to the cross in such a way that his feet were half bent at the knees. So, if a cross of the crucified man was in upright position, then he hang on his hands, resting on bent legs. However, in this position it is impossible to breathe because all the muscles of the chest are stretched by body weight, so to breathe he had to rest on a nail driven into leg bones. By performing this movement a crucified man experienced a terrible pain because the bones rub against the cranks and faceted edges of nails. It is extremely painful to lean on the shattered bones, muscles, and nerves because the nails crank up the bones every time. How much can a person in severe pain This man then sat for long exhausted executed again had to climb in order to breathe, and so, as long as he had the strength, and when he could not get up, then died of suffocation.

Even in the heat, some people could self-torture themselves for hours, and if they were also allowed to drink, then they moved and lived longer. This hopeless torment was so strong that a spear or a fracture of the tibia with hammers was regarded as the great grace from the executioners.

Today I listen to the song by Nautilus " walk on water " for the last time, the song tells us a story when the Savior to the request of the Apostle Andrew to teach him to walk on water offered to hang on the cross. " And when you get tire, come back to walk on the water together". And I immediately thought about the nature of this terrible punishment. I was always amazed by that song, how could Jesus say such a thing, he's been a good man. On the other hand, you need to work hard to catch a fish, and to be able to do something, unfortunately, you have to accept punishment. I know this for sure, so I never get jealous of men on big jeeps and young blondies on roads in BMW and Mersey. Who knows where then they were hammered, when they are going to be hammered. A torture every second of pain from the body nailed to a tree is magnified by the consciousness of his impotence and lack of prospects for a positive outcome. You get up, breathe, pain, tired, falling, pain again. Do you want to accept the pain just to breathe. And the saddest thing is that better not be. This is similar to the way our body is fettered infirmity, illness called by the name of "old age" makes us increasingly do the exercises on the cross, in the vain hope of how to breathe without pain and stiffness. And old age it? Maybe it's just the nails driven into the bone for us that we made it. After all, old age, it is the change of seasons, or the stage of growth of flower. First, the seed, and then sprout, after bush, flower, and only then slowly fading after giving fruit plant falls to the ground. I think it should be our life flow, the smooth change of periods or seasons. What do the flower of life, seasons and mold having eaten it before flowering, or in the hurricane began to rage in the spring and summer to spoil ? And our diseases have nothing to do with a smooth change of the periods of our lives.

The diseases is a mold and storms that are accompanying us in our lives, but these accidental companions aren't a standard. So common phrase: "What do you want at your age?", that has already become the only answer to any medical problems after 40 years, lackes a solid foundation, It sounds like: " What do you want, it's autumn and winter, it is not wonderful frosty and sunny days it is only your problem». And all this "pain in the arse" with our health is considered to be an essential feature of the older age. But what about the children? Do not ask the doctors, we have for all your a " trick question ". Those, who served in the Soviet Army, I hope will understand me.

I am often surprised by the most ordinary and usual things. I think this is all true, but no one talks about it, well, it is what it is, well, okay, but I am sometimes surprised by something extremely simple.

And the habit to treat something in a certain way is likely to be one of national traits that are likely to be fixed in genes. The habit not to be surprised is one of the character traits of Russian people, not of people from fairy tales or folk stories, but of people who actually live in Russia today, speaking in Russian and consider Russia as their homeland, despite the Ukrainian, Tatar, Jewish, Polish, Nanai, Komi- Permian, Chuvash, Georgian, Kazakh, Armenian, Kurdish, German and God knows what other roots we have, this habit brought a lot of benefits. Most interesting thing is that if you understand it well, you can find at the same time positive and negative sides. And to make it more clear, I'll illustrate this with an anecdote that accurately cover this topic. American, German and Russian generals gathered together and decided to check whose cadets tankers are trained better, and they were provided with a battle tank, targets, but in order to " bring the conditions to reality " they put a stab-awl in the seat of the tank.

German student came up to the tank, looked at it, looked at the door and saw the pain in the seat, drew up a report on the unavailability of equipment to perform the task and did not conduct a training bout.

American flew into a tank, plopped down on the seat, pierced his ass, pulled out an awl, and has successfully kicked the shooting, and then drew up a report on the execution of the task, despite the unavailability of equipment.

Russian came, got into the tank, pricked on the right half of the awl ass, scratched his head, thought for a moment "Maybe it must be so? " And then found somewhere in his pockets a second awl put it so that the left half of the ass was not offended and grited his teeth and took tank to the targets.

The habit ot to be surprised by the presence of stab-awl in the ass, and even embed it if it accidentally falls out, it's not a good habit, it emanates from a mossy stupidity. On the other hand, this habit helps in a lot in different situations, which is even reflected in the saying: "What is good for Russian, for German it is death". But if you think about it deeply and properly, we can see that we are not just not surprised but we suffer, on the contrary, we are very prone to admire the true surprise or we even feel fascinated bewilderment, but we are surprised by different things. Maybe this is our national characteristic?

By the way, not only Mikhail Zadornov noted strange features Russian, but also Bismarck talked about it, and Churchill and many other influential people. And now I'm talking about all of this in order not to amuse or entertain you and a sense of national pride, but in order to make clear and explain as friendly as possible what is happening today. I don't believe in Pavel Globa, especially when he said that the era of Aquarius, the era of Russia and it will give salvation to the world, though even Wanga talked about it but I did not believe her. What the hell is it — the era of Russia? But now, not from the mystical positions but from purely practical positions, based on sensible analysis of the current situation, I can not disagree with them. And now I 'll tell you what exactly I mean.

Now I am going to tell you this, but I only want to finish telling about a torment, because it seems I wrote it out of any reasons. My habit of thinking with forms allows me to draw images in my head the most fantastic pictures. These paintings can be both unrealistic and gloomy or extremely marvelous, where all unreal things are realistic and if they keep in mind this figure for a long time, then you get used to it, and they do not seem for you unrealistic any more. The fact that it is only your images and when your relatives find out about your pictures, they get angry or describe you as crazy if you tell them about your " Napoleonic plan" and about your will about the proper order of the world. Therefore, if your plan is to save the world for you is real, but realized only by a sagging sofa, dust in the system unit and gobies in a tin on the balcony, then it is better not to tell your wife or best friendds, it is a good idea to work on it for some time. Here's another saying that everyone has his own destiny. What's the doctor's destiny like? This profession is traditionally considered to be respectful, even though everyone knows that the doctors in our country, as well as teachers belong to two respected professions whose salaries are the lowest. This profession is not respected for the results that we give to the patient in the form of healing, and for the very intention to help. Sure, it's great even just want to help your neighbors and in fact many do notdo it. That's why people love doctors, not because of the result or certain help, but because «he's been such a friendly doctor». And the doctor has his own destiny, nobody forced him to be a doctor, on the contrary, he won a competition among other candidates. And therefore it is pointless to complain about sitting in some more or less good clinic when you got sick, and complain about the salary. It is your choice. Would you give the money to someone not for real help, but for the intention to help although it was bound to fail? Yes. As for our patience and the ability to be surprised not to what wonders the German, it is not going to happen. Wait a little more and I 'll tell you that's just another story and I 'll explain. All of course doesn't happen, just something very important for us. As my mother-in-law used to say. You save yourself and saving the world is none of your business. It will survive somehow and you have more problems That's probably is our national trait, if there is a mess in a house you can say" I'll clean it later", but to save the world somehow miraculously — becomes possible. But this time, you still have to start with yourself, and as you always too lazy to do it, and the way that our RUSSIAN help himrself to be effective and brilliantly straightforward, like a stove at Yemelya story. Do not laugh at this, otherwise not worth it to spend the night on this article. Now more about "What we are guilty", and then explain in one paragraph will tell you how you can easily and quickly get off the cross. We do not know how else, then we will succeed, but not at the strange and diligent you know who. We always turns out somehow through. so we win all wars.

And last Sunday I accidentally got into a party to celebrate the birthday of my wife's best friend. There were about twenty guests, almost all physicians and former doctors. The former doctors, not in the sense that they are retired, but because the hostess of the holiday and her guests didn't work that day. Basically, they all work as medical representatives of for pharmaceutical companies.

As usual at such events there has been a lot of talk about different topics, which are conducted at the holiday table. Since I am a rare visitor on these holidays and very few people knew me closely, except for host of the party, I didn't take part in the dialogue, I was silent and enjoyed meals. Apparently invited people knew each other very well, but rarely meet, so basically they were talking about what is eeverybody doing, and how things are doing with common friends. There was a pleasant man opposite me and a woman of 36, whose names I do not know, but the faces were very familiar, perhaps we were stugying at one time, but at different departments. Music was playing loudly and sometimes I did not hear what they were saying. A man named Dmitri, and the woman's name I did not ask. Dmitry looked like an intelligent and kind man whose life was good. His companion also was calm and charming, but a little sad, as if for the first time, too, was in that company, or she had some unfinished business from whom got distracted on this holiday.

They asked familiar questions because they hadn't seen each other for a long time and answered about mutual friends and their own successes which, as always, were a little exaggerated, they talked about their achievementsthen gradually changed the subject and also complained about the negative qualities of favorite wives, husbands and children who are still in the end turned out to be angels.

And during this time Dmitry quietly, without any expression or resentment, alsowith a touch of sadness suddenly said something that struck me for some reason, and now I seem to have found the answer to his question. Yes, it is necessary to remind that the audience was successful people, who themselves have solved their financial problems. So unexpected phrase of Dmitry facing probably the state and those whom we believe it was the epitome of a festive atmosphere in this strange. I understand that there was a midlife crisis, of course, however, I think the reason is not just in it.

For those who do not know what is the difference between the medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies and doctors, I want to clarify that the pharmaceutical companies employ intelligent doctors to promote their products directly to doctors who treat patients in order to use these drugs in their work. The duties of medical representatives include regular visits to physicians assigned to the territory they cover, and conduct educational work for the company and the products. Also, they have funds for all kinds of conferences, symposia, which are accompanied by feasts. Medical representatives are provided with a company car and a decent wage, sometimes exceeding the income of ordinary practitioners. I was always sad and funny to see how medical representatives come to a restaurant in beautiful cars, doctors were waiting for them at the entrance, mostly women of all ages and sometimes men who were modestly dressed and came by the trolley. I have been a couple of times on these "scientific conferences". When I started to work at the clinic and I started to be invited. Information from Moscow was usually quite useful, but every time the impression was spoilt by a cocktail reception at the end everybody who were invited rushed to the table and it became clear why they come here, to eat for free at a nice restaurant.

So what did Dmitri say? Nothing special, actually. First he spoke to his neighbor about the wonderful years of students and early years of being the doctor, then with regret about his work today. His companion also said that a "money is good", but that "I am tired", " nothing to be happy about, because you work out of habit, if it can be called a job". So, that was a rhetorical question, Dmitry continuation of the topic, but somehow I never thought and never waited that somebody from the top would give me something. My classmate, a pharmacist by profession, who now works as a system administrator in the showroom, once said bitterly: " We are all deceived". I was surprised by his sentence, and now wondered about Dmitrii's phrase who also asked suddenly:"What have we done? Why is the government so harsh with us?". He did not talk further, but merely said, and this was the situation of a doctor who is paid very badly. He is not not a doctor anymore and earns a lot advertising products, but in his words I felt regret about the past work as a doctor which he had to leave for the opportunity to adequately support a family. It was not a drunken moan on "Oh I am so miserable", he said it very casually and then they kept talking about a restaurant musicians who sing like Leps.

That's nothing new in my words because everyone knows that doctors have a small salary and the teachers too. About the teachers I will not speak, but it is necessary to talk about doctors. When doctors start saying that the state pays them a little, it is also possible to hear another question as the answer: "Why did you choose this profession?" I do not know why they chose it ut and I did not choose it at all, because after schools I needed to learn something, and what I did not know at that time. I wanted to do everything at once and nothing certain, so when my father said: "You will be a doctor," I thought, " Why not? ", and began to study. So that was my choice was predetermined and at the same time random, may be not, because I never dreamt to become a police officer or an accountant but I didn't know it for sure. Probably that's how many students entered the university, because they have parents and they were, like my father, doctors.

I didn't think about the salary because it used to be the same.

It is said that in other countrie, doctors earn a lot and are not considered poor, although teachers in England and America, aren't well-paid professions like ours. I won't speak about America, because it is not an ordinary counry. As for the strange "cynicism" from our native state towards the doctors, I have my answer for that. I know that you will be surprised and at first wouldn't not agree with me when I say that the policy of our government for the cost of medicine is quite clear for me. Not only that, I think it is even more reasonable, pragmatic and balanced than the fiscal policy of any other state, medical services cost a lot of money. What do I mean? I mean that there is a very simple fact, that the increase in medical costs, including the salary of doctors, does not lead to improved health system and quality of life. And for what, in fact, should we pay for? After all, everyone knows that our medicine is powerless and investing money in it is useless. We know it from a simple everyday experience, ask your mother, father, grandmother or grandfather if doctors helped him and you know the answer yourself.

I do not want to go into politics and manipulate with the terms like government and people, it's boring. I do not watch TV, but somehow I watch this series called "Voronin", where there is a large family which contains of young people, their parents and, in my opinion, more or less small children. So, the old father of the family in this series is different with his animal cynicism and pragmatism. I imagined that if there were more characters, some of them are very sick( personified the sick people ), and they would occasionally go to the local doctor ( symbolizing our medicine ), listening to their numerous complaints about obviously incurable disease, would prescribe an obviously useless drug, the series would not suffer from it. And if he suddenly, one day, says that the cost of his services is too small and needed to be increased and he needs to increase expenses on the purchase of medicines for incurable diseases of hisancestors, I imagine what would he, a very frank man, say.

I think something will be like: "Hey Doctor, youcome to us for so many years and the old parents haven't recovered yet, and you yourself are not healthy, we have the whole store with stupid pills, but the neighbor who is a pharmacist that sells you drugs, changed three mersedes during last 3 years. And you want to tell me that if I take off my last pants and buy on these moneya magic golden enema and it will help my folks from hemorrhoids, arthritis and sciatica ? You, my dear Doctor, you know that their hemorrhoids, as well as mine and yours is genetically caused, and in general, it can be said that it is our national unique feature so why should I pay, just because you have chosen you favourite profession? It would be better if you choose to work as a sales manager and sell vacuum cleaners, you would like like a decent man. And if you like so much doing your voodoo stuff, no one will forbid you to buy a tambourine and start dancing, it will be fun though. Yes, by the way, don't dance in my appartment. Stupid digression from a topic, but the doctors and patients know exactly that there is no use in a treatment, but everyone, especially the sick ones, hope that doctors will soon come up with something, which will help them. Their faith is reinforced by pain, so any criminal, who announced a new miraclous method, is highly in demand Now in the era of digital and nanotechnology we are offered great miraculous medical products invisible to the eye, stem cells, for example. Only faith remains that through the hole in the skull something good waws implanted into your braini. I hope the professionals who are engaged will be always diligent, honest and successful, and I wish more patience to them in their hard work.

There is nothing more difficult than the first step on an unknown path.

I asked my wife Olga and her mother to read until these lines. Opinions differed, Raisa Pavlovna as a man of practical state of mind, and in the recent past, a big boss said that all these lyrical digressions unnecessary, and everything should be clear and precise, as in the article " Appeal to doctors practicing the method RANC», I should write about the method, procedured, causes and so on. I do not agree with it, because I 've tried, it does not work. The funny thing is that it transcends logic. You can check it yourself, just walk up to anyone, even a doctor, even to the person and try to tell the patient that it is possible to easily, quickly and simply have a powerful effect on the brain, after which he rebuilds during the month of their work and relieve the body from many not treatable diseases. Not only that but after such a radically - miraculous treatment his active life will be extended by 20-50 years. If you try to do it, then I definitely do not envy you. In return you will hear everything from the fact that this is crap and ending with a cautious puzzled and even frightened glances. It offends people, because it breaks the view of the familiar reality to such an extent that it is difficult to assess what is happening. How, for example, should I deal with a patient, a woman, who came to my clinic with a problem of headaches that couldn't be cured with drugs after I asked her if she wants to get rid of them forever with my method, she flatly refused. I asked "why ?" And she replied:

- «Do you want me to change my opinion, although all my life I believed in the oppposite? » - " Yes, but your head will stop aching! "

- "But I do not want this method, simply prescribe me a dropper, because it helps others!"

- "But excuse me, I have healed your husband's back! "

- " Back pain is one thing and my head is another thing, what does the back have in common with a head?'.

Yes, after these words, after a detailed half-hour consultations I start to feel like an idiot.

You know, isn't it time to walk off the crosses? Doctors "hang" on the cross because they can do nothing. Doctors are trying to, or good doctors are trying really hard, but we have not been taught, and that theory is that we are taught about is absolutely wrong. If the doctors get sick, what else to say?

Didn't you get tired of hanging on the crosses? I think that's enough. No, of course you can have your pride, but why if the doctors in Murom, Bishkek, Moscow, Zaporozhye, Riga, Novocheboxarsk, Komsomolsk-on- Amur, Sofia, Moscow, Tbilisi, Yekaterinburg, Artem (Vladivostok), Vladikavkaz, and many other places, practice RUSSIAN RANC method and the results are amazing in comparison with those which we have been taught. It's time to go off from these fucking "Crosses", it's time to do business. It is beneficial for sick people for which they may not have the money, and we, the doctors, will have fame for our abilities and finally wealth.

That's enough.

So what is wrong in that we, doctors, paramedics, and nurses will use our Russian method of recovery of activity of the nerve centers (RANC)?

This is what WE came up with, this is our proposal to the patient and cowardly world. We RUSSIANS and let others disagree with us, but unlikely that someone would refuse the "elixir of youth", maybe only morons, but we don't have the same path.