05 2012
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

Treatment approach used nowadays, in my opinion, is completely inadequate. For instance, pain in spine(caused originally by muscle tone) is traditionally "treated" by antiphlogistic medicines, B vitamins, chondroprotectors, various embrocations instead of getting rid of the cause. The effectiveness of such symptomatic therapy(therapy aimed to fight symptoms) is low. And seeing the time spent on treatment, pain relief can be referred to self-recovery. These treatment standards spread, established belief in their realness, lack of alternative result in establishment of the fatal conviction that people suffering such pain can't be helped.

Suggested treatment approach is based on the idea that to get rid of the disease, its cause has to be eliminated. The cause of a disease is a disorder in certain regulatory systems. A treatment through a suggested approach is directed on changes in nerve centers activity in order to optimize their work. In a case with pain in spine, joints and limbs, the short but intense painful stimulation in muscle areas with high tone is done. As a result, cells that control muscle tone lower their activity to normal, thereby the cause of pain disappears.

neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko