04 2015
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

RANC - Magic ArmHow works the nervous system. Principle of the nervous system can be explained on example of human’s hand construction.
And why the arm and what is that to arm, and what is this "magic arm"? It may seem silly words not related to medicine, but it is only at first glance.
Principle of construction and work of nervous system that we’d missed in study of neurology and physiology can be explained on example of human arm. What do I mean? The authors of the theoretical foundations of modern medicine lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Sechenov, Botkin, Kirche, Pirogov, Pavlov, Selye, Anokhin), after them (in my opinion) just a little work had been done. In spite of some achievements in various fields of medical science, it is still "going around in circles", without any new idea about origin and reason of diseases. The strangest thing is there’s no need to discover something new, all necessary information contained in the works of geniuses, you should only analyze them carefully, as well as ideas of other unique people living nowadays and enormous opportunities will be opened to you.

Let's now not " go" toward the ideas of Academician Vernadsky (about Noosphere) and Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, who said that according her conclusions no areas generating new ideas had been found in brain. Enough to discuss the proposed ideas by listed above people. We do not offend anyone; we just try to analyze the core of their discoveries. Therefore, no needs to be strict with our conclusions, do not be too strict, we're not geniuses, but you should pay attention to practical effects resulting from these conclusions. This is the "heritage" that may be available to those who follow us.
What is Russian treatment method RANC, and why RANC, why the English abbreviation? The method is Russian because it was discovered in Russia, in the country blamed in all horrible and mortal sins, however, the country that didn’t attack the other one. Our country always gave the world great scientists, whose descendants live all over the world now, it is enough to name Zworykin, who realized his dream of creating a television in America, Sergei Ivanovich Sikorsky, who created the largest aircraft in the world in his time (all US Army is flying by helicopter "Sikorsky" now). Where did Steve Jobs take "his" liquid crystal screen on which you are reading these lines? All these things are were created by Russian people and do not think, I’m patriot of Russia, or patriot of America; I'm trying to understand the achievements of our forefathers, and I could give more and more examples, but I will not, you can find more information in internet by yourself. These people did not have an opportunity to turn their ideas into reality in Russia in their time. What a shame that the best engineers in the world turned their ideas into reality not at home, but in the country considering us its enemies.
I'll be back to the main topic of this article, but I’d like to devote one paragraph more to strange word, that is being actively abused today. This word is Empire. What's wrong with the Empire? Did humiliated people live in the Russian Empire, who did not get script? What was then The Caucasian War in which Lermontov fought? By the way Lermonts came from Scotland (Lehr Mount means the Spirit of Mountain), and the Bellingshausen, and La Perouse, and Bagration, and Pushkin (Hannibal)? When Shamil had been captured with his family, did they kill him? The tsar settled him in Podolsk and denied him nothing, treated him with all respect like a tsar. The peoples of the Russian Empire, as well as today, talked and talk in their native and Russian languages, they are friendly and have cross marriages and do not see any problem with it. The Komi-Perm natives, the Chechens, the Chuvashes, the Russians, the Karachais, the Circassians, the Adygeis, the Chukchi, the Armenians, the Georgians, the Jews, the Avars, the Germans, the Ukrainians, the Lithuanians, the Belarusians, the Kazakhs, the Latvians, the Estonians, the Moldavians, the Romanians, the Tatars, the Nanais, the Evenkis, you can name a long list of peoples living in my land, but I will not do that, though, probably I could, but I do not want, I would like to say the main thing
I do not care about the eye color and shape or skin color, it’s important that we understand each other, love and treat everyone with respect. Of course, every nation has its villains and fools, but do not judge the whole nation by its renegades. I developed tremendous respect for the Chechen people for their born characters. Respect for Elders, Respect for women and men. I used to think (being based on propaganda of that time), that all the Chechens are bandits, when there were wars in the Caucasus and blood shed from both sides. When I got to know these people better, I came to like these hard-working and free people, whose nature is very close to the Russian’s,because they can be killed but never broken. We are very similar, because we were neighbors within centuries; we inflamed wars and went to fight together; by the way, Chechen Republic has the highest numbers of Heroes of the Soviet Union in World War II, if we take into account the heroes-population ratio. We live in one house and take care of it, and we do not care how other people call us and our home. We love our country!
Now about "The Arm." Using this example I’d like to explain the work of nervous system. My colleagues, doctors, kindly remember the "Atlas of Anatomy by Sinelnikov." It shows an arm, which is a continued organ divided in its constituent parts in different pages of study book for its easy examination by students. One page shows an arm bone, the other one muscles, the third one nerves, the fourth one vessels (veins and arteries separately), the other page fascia. Of course, this division is very easy for better understanding of structure and functioning of this organ, but there is one big "BUT." After one complete and functioning like a single mechanism unit had been factitiously divided for its each constituent part to be detailed studied, no one made an effort to bring them together in reverse order to understand the concept of the individual part, again, as a whole unit. The arm is like any part of our body, including the brain (this organ of body is complicated that Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, who devoted all her life to study of brain, said, "The brain will never be studied completely."
After factitious division of the whole unit for more convenient study without collecting it back together, we’ve obtained results of this misunderstanding. We all know a lot of "extra" information, even the details of genetic structures, we stopped “seeing the Forest behind trees." Why do we study every cell of an individual tree, if our aim is to establish a normal activity of the whole Ecosystem, which makes our body? It never happens that only a separate system or organ suffers, while other parts are prospering or at least being "intact." If we feel ill, then the whole body feels ill, and therefore, solution is to affect not on a separate element of the system, but the system as a whole. Do we have such an opportunity? Fortunately we do, and this article is about it.
The brain stem and cervical spinal cord contain a lot of compact clusters of neurons called the "cores", so-called "accessory nerve" innervating (controlling) the trapezium muscle rises from their axons (processes going on the periphery to innervate the Governing Body). And all muscles of the body, with the exception of the oculomotor, facial and jaw muscles (also controlled from the brain stem) are controlled from the precentral and postcentral gyrus. Every doctor and neurologist knows that reticular formation locates between nucleus nervi accessorii.
What is the "reticular formation? ". In Russian it can be translated as "Net generation". This brain structure study started about 20 years ago. Before it was considered to be a "rudiment", i.e. strange formation received from the "primitive ancestors"; however it pervades all parts of the brain and performs obscure functions. I will not criticize and discredit the theory of the "work" of the reticular formation, which controls the activity of 100 billion neurons in the brain; I can say that it can be used successfully to treat many diseases that were considered incurable before.
What do I mean? My idea is very simple. As the brain controls all processes in the body and metabolism in itself, it would be logical to consider that any violations (symptoms) are caused by brain. The theory of "re-activation of the nerve centers"(in English abbreviation is RANC) is based on this idea.
Restoring the activity of nerve centers (The Restoration of the Activity the Nerve Centers)
Nociceptive effect made by the water injection into the region of the trapezius muscle, left and right with 20-25 milliliters per one point (15 points on each side) causes in brain its functions adjustment process, resulted by the impulse in brain the process similar to "system restore" function in the personal computer. The end of ongoing changes in brain is a certain result, which is expressed in the fact that the nerve centers recover their normal activity. After a single treatment procedure of the central nervous system (brain) starts a process which lasts 6-8 weeks. The result of this process is RANC (Restoring the activity of nerve centers), that is restoring the normal functioning of the brain and, therefore, the restoration of optimal regulation of all systems of the body as a whole. To this effect 1 to 3-4 procedures carried out at intervals of 6-8 weeks are enough in "simple" disorders, such as the trigeminal nerve disturbance, herniated nucleus pulposus, breast-pang, sciatic nerve disorder, headache (migraine), vertigo. And, for more complex disorders that are considered "incurable" such as Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to give a particular course of treatment consisting of procedures conducted once a month with duration from six months to one and a half years.
What is that to "magic arm"? What is this work of nature?
Patients on their fuzzy logic consider that if I carry medical treatment according to proposed RANC method by myself, the result will be much better than if other person did it. This belief has a good sense, because every treatment method has an element of "placebo effect", which increases the medical treatments success by 30% if the patient believes in the results. People feel it subconsciously and try to make themselves better, choosing what they think will grant their wish in full. I agree with this position, and, having created RANC Association,I am firmly convinced that the Association of Like-minded people will not do harm, but will help to distribute information about this method all over the world, make it available to more people who need it.
Number of «Magic arms» increases every day. I am sincerely grateful to those who participated in this action. Let's share with each other lessons learned, let’s cross state borders and prejudices. Let's finally love one another!

Neurology: neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko