09 2014
Written by врач невролог А.А.Пономаренко

We don't feel pain at firstWe don't feel pain at first; we leave calmly and don't know that pain has hidden in our body. It appears in one unhappy day. It surprises us a lot. How it can be, what have I done? I didn't deceive anyone, at least I tried. What is the reason for pain? Pain is everywhere, in body and in soul. We can deal with pain in bode rather simply by using method RANC. It will disappear because we know human physiology. It is difficult to treat soul pain, because we don't know the reason of it. We have done so many mistakes during our life, and it is very hard to determine the reason of "a break up of our brain operating system".

It is easier for animals, because they don't think, one says: "the less you think the more you sleep". "Solomon the Wise" told: «The more you know the more you have sorrow". He was right. So, it is very complicate, you shouldn't be a fool and to try to outsmart everybody. What should we do then? Once more, there are many unfair people who want to harm people. How be safe from them? We have more questions than answers. But, I believe, that if you have a concrete aim you will have a positive result soon. It's good that I have managed to leave rhyme; I feared that I couldn't do it.

What do I want to say and what I can do? It is useless and irresponsibly to tell about something that you don't understand, but some wordless thoughts in my mind want to be heard. I suspect, that it is a solution for question concerning the reason of pain, pain decided to show inside-out but it doesn't know how to do it. I try to avoid it every time, but it still in me I feel that solution is close. Pain is a harm which we have done. It is unimportant did we it in a flash of anger, consciously or unconsciously by this unexplained act we harmed oneself. I consider and believe that we can treat this harm.

I have got a friend. I haven't accustomed to tell such words, because they are precious. He is kind, honest, and I hope he won't betray me. This is really important in this world. Our failings lead to bitter sorrow. It is so sorrow that it is unknown for whom it is worse.

One day my old acquaintance, my patient called me and asked: «Andrew, come to me, save me, I feel bad", he had a stroke 10 years ago. I felt bad after work I thought that I wouldn't get these 40 kilometers. I asked him, Vladimir Ivanovich I couldn't now I would come tomorrow. But after tomorrow followed the day after tomorrow, after work I called him. His brother answered. They had similar voices. I told: "Vladimir Ivanovich, I am coming", he answered: «It is useless, Andrew, Vladimir is gone ". Who am I after that? I believe that the reason of pain hides in our failings and mistakes. If I am not mistaken a word "mistake" in Jewish is a sin. I am not a nationalist and a follower of a particular religion, but I believe if it seems to me that the word of this man draw me to the Truth, I accept and analyze them. It does not matter to me his nationality and religion, the sense of his message. Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva was not only an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; she also had a big research in brain study. However, in her book "The magic of brain" she told that brain would never study completely. By the way, there is a chapter in her book called "Through the Looking-Glass". I am sorry for saying it, but you may think that a Russian academician had some troubles with mind due to her age. It isn't truth, but we haven't known much about brain and it brings hope for future. What is our hope? For the first sight, it looks paradoxically, but to my opinion, the hope based on the lack of information. Our science isn't perfect, and it can't give answers to all questions we have. You will understand what I mean.

Just imagine that our science would had reached the highest level of knowledge and known answers to all questions. In this case any diagnosis for every case would have had a final and irreversible character. For example, a man is told that he has incurable disease, it means death for him, but it seems that this case will never happen. The process of knowing is endless as a universe, so every day we will get more information. I don't consider, that this factor is positive, because in my observing our brain can't stand such work, but we can't ignore it and we should adapt it.

I think that body pain and diseases of different organs are caused by our mistakes, which are deeply stuck in our brain. How can we explain that for one person method RANC helps immediately and for another it doesn't help? When you start to analyze the reasons, you conclude that the patient who recover immediately, have sinned less. It seems to be nonsense, but according my observations it is a truth. But I mustn't have thought this way, because I worked as a secretary in komsomolsk's organization, It isn't my desire or madness, this is just my conclusions based on a long period of observing. Before I published my thoughts in the Internet, I had been thinking during 13 years, and we have been discussed it for 3 years. Thanks to all who participate in discussion. It isn't important which position adhere you, my colleges, thank you a lot.

Gennadiy Vasilevich Berdyugin from Angarsk modified the method and offered to do distilled water injections. I make a profound bow to him. When we decide to solve these questions together, we certainly "win" and I don't doubt. Moreover, there are many of us in Russia. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, "our" live in Germany and in the United States and Canada, so I believe that together we can handle with it. You shouldn't worry that it is difficult now; it will blow over sooner or later. Everything will be good. I went to my friends in Lithuania in May, 2014. I was told not to flight there, because we aren't loved there, but I just thought were we loved in Russia? We love one. If we don't love one why should other love us? However, we are loved and were given a cordial welcome. I know that I am too emotional, but what should I do if it happens so. I have sorrow about Ukraine. I had had many patients from different towns of Ukraine, from the East and West before this dirty slaughter. One boy, his name was Sergey, called me from Ashkelon (a town in Israel). He had a sick father, and their homeland was the Crimea. What is the reason for Russians to leave the homeland? After the country breakup more then 50 000 000 (fifty million rather clever people) left it, settled down, found work, started to do goodness to those countries and give birth to children. Don't we need them; are we so clever to do all? Maybe, it is true, but I don't believe so. However, we can find one positive and incontestable moment. In the book of an American writer, the author of series "Dune", was a prediction of this situation, when the tyrant deliberately caused miseries and expelled many people from the planet the Earth, in order to occupy other worlds. I don't know about what did Frank Herbert think, but we had the same situation with Russia, It doesn't matter who we are Chechens, Bashkirs, Komi-Perm, or Tungus, Russian, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars and Armenians, the most important is what we have in our heart. Russian is a person who loves his homeland, his land, who knows what, is the truth, he protects his land. Let's others, who are invited and who came due to his own desire, think about differences in eye shape, height, or skin color. Don't think that we are stupid; just analyze yourself who was born here? They were great scientists, doctors, engineers, philosophers, writers, great humanist and generals. Should I mention their names? I can but I won't because I am writing for those who need it, such people know their names, I wanted just remind it. Pain and silence, can we cry due to pain, we can only be silent. You know, I didn't make any difference between Kuzbas and Dombas, I didn't understand geography, and didn't have any trouble with it, it was a unite country and united people. Later I knew about. I have thought a lot, and have many questions. I think I have them too much. The massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia. Babi Yar, they were the first ones. To whom, why? Though, if we lead this theory we are in Hell that is rather logical. In this case the only thing which we can do is to kill a brother with a knife, is it right? It seems that it is right, you should follow the traditions of our residence, or you will lose your appetite. We shouldn't show that we have pain, it isn't a man act, and Russian won't do it. I am Russian but I am an internationalist. Maybe for people of new generation it looks strange, but I won't judge them or ague with them, because I have very kind and good friends in different countries, they are different nationalities; also I have relatives there, so I believe that I am a good person. I hope for you, and love you but sometimes it is difficult, we are together, so everything will be good. Concerning different troubles which exist in your and my unhappy country, Ukraine, I want to say that every war has its end even Hundred Years' War was finished. Peace will come and everything will be good. I can't say these words, if I didn't respect you. I am not a practical person; by the way, many Chechens come to us. It is very small and determined Caucasian nation which has considered itself as the best one. These people are very determined, hard-working. I respect them because they are so fearless and believe that they can do a lot. They had stood the pressure of Russian army many years before Lermontov was born. I haven't got any acquaintances from Chechnya until now, because many of them had a treatment. They have a very particular feature, when I performed medical treatment based on the RANC method; these people never express their painful feelings. I think that they feel pain, but because of their upbringing they don't show it. There is peace there, but after three wars had passed the number of sick people increased. They come here spending 10 hours.

The quarter of my patients was Ukrainians before the war, nowadays I have few of them, it became difficult to get here, and they don't have enough money. Fortunately, everything has its end, and this sin will end and people will get opportunity to get help. The main reason why I called this RANC method as Russian one based on the idea that my country has a lot of mistakes, but it doesn't create only evil. We, people from different countries who practice this RANC method, share this new way of treatment with the patients and people who want to learn it. Because of this was created this "Official site", and "RANC association" site, and "Nevrologica" channel on Utube. They are illustrated "manuals". If you need to avoid pain, these manuals tell how to "cure pain". We will succeed and learn more. In conclusion of this article, I want to share with you a reference to one beautiful song which to my opinion suits with the theme and content of the article. It has so sad name "the beautiful is far away".

Neurology: neurologist A.A.Ponomarenko